Аркадий Стругацкий, Борис Стругацкий photo

Аркадий Стругацкий, Борис Стругацкий

The brothers Arkady Strugatsky [Russian: Аркадий Стругацкий] and Boris Strugatsky [Russian: Борис Стругацкий] were Soviet-Russian science fiction authors who collaborated through most of their careers.

Arkady Strugatsky was born 25 August 1925 in Batumi; the family later moved to Leningrad. In January 1942, Arkady and his father were evacuated from the Siege of Leningrad, but Arkady was the only survivor in his train car; his father died upon reaching Vologda. Arkady was drafted into the Soviet army in 1943. He trained first at the artillery school in Aktyubinsk and later at the Military Institute of Foreign Languages in Moscow, from which he graduated in 1949 as an interpreter of English and Japanese. He worked as a teacher and interpreter for the military until 1955. In 1955, he began working as an editor and writer.

In 1958, he began collaborating with his brother Boris, a collaboration that lasted until Arkady's death on 12 October 1991. Arkady Strugatsky became a member of the Union of Soviet Writers in 1964. In addition to his own writing, he translated Japanese language short stories and novels, as well as some English works with his brother.

Source: Wikipedia

“Кой от сегашните писатели може да се похвали, че си живее живота? Бих могъл добре да се наредя тук, да ми дадат някоя синекурна длъжност, може, да речем, да стана общински инспектор по градските плажове и да си пиша колкото ми душата иска… за това как хубаво си живее добрият човек, пристрастен към любимата си работа… и как говори на тази тема пред вундеркиндите… Е, цялата работа е в това да можеш да преглъщаш и да си избърсваш лицето. Плюли са ти в мутрата, а ти преглъщаш и се избърсваш. Отначало изгаряш от срам, когато се бършеш, после изпитваш само недоумение, а, току-виж, след време си започнал да се бършеш с достойнство, може дори да изпитваш и удоволствие от тази манипулация…”
Аркадий Стругацкий, Борис Стругацкий
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