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ادولف هتلر

Austrian-born Adolf Hitler, known as “der Führer,” from 1921 led the Nazi party of Germany, and his fascist philosophy, embodied in

Mein Kampf

(1925–1927), attracted widespread support; he from 1933 served as chancellor of the Third Reich and after 1934 ruled as an absolute dictator, whose pursuit of aggressive nationalist policies resulted in the invasion of Poland in 1939 and in the subsequent outbreak of World War II and whose infamous regime exterminated millions of people, especially Jews, Slavs and communists of Europe. He then took his own life amid the imminent collapse in 1945.

During the final days of the war in 1945, as Berlin was being invaded and destroyed by the Red Army, Hitler married Eva Braun. Less than 24 hours later, the two committed suicide in the Führerbunker.

He dictated his best known literary work, the political manifesto, to a fellow inmate in prison in 1924.


“ان التقدم والحضارة هما نتيجة جهود العبقرية ، لا نتيجة ثرثرة الأكثرية .”
ادولف هتلر
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“ليسَ العُمّال بمسؤولين عمّا تُعانيه البلاد من مشاكل، فالمسؤولون هم أولئك الذين لم يُحمّلوا أنفسهم عناء الاهتمام بحالة الشعب والعمل على إنصافه ووضع حَدّ لتضليل المُضللين وفساد الفاسدين.”
ادولف هتلر
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“إنّ الانسان لايُناضل إلا من أجل مايُحِبّ، ولايُحِبّ إلا ماهو حريٌّ بالتقدير والاحترام، فكيف يُطلب من مواطن أن يُحبّ وطنه ويُقدّرُه وهو يجهل تاريخه ولايشعر في قرارة نفسه بأنّه ينعم بما تُؤمّنُه الدول الأخرى لرعاياها من أمن ورفاهية.”
ادولف هتلر
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