هاري سينت فيلبي photo

هاري سينت فيلبي

Harry St John Bridger Philby Order of the Indian Empire (CIE) (3 April 1885, Badulla, British Ceylon – 30 September 1960, Beirut, Lebanon), also known as Jack Philby or Sheikh Abdullah (الشيخ عبدالله), was a British Arabist, adviser, explorer, writer, and colonial office intelligence officer.

As he states in his autobiography, he "became something of a fanatic" and in 1908[1] "the first Socialist to join the Indian Civil Service". After studying oriental languages at the University of Cambridge, he was posted to Lahore in the Punjab in 1908, acquiring fluency in Urdu, Punjabi, Baluchi, Persian, and eventually Arabic. He converted to Islam in 1930, and later became an adviser to Ibn Saud, urging him to become King of the whole of Arabia,[2] and helping him to negotiate with the United Kingdom and the United States when petroleum was discovered in 1938; in addition he married for the second time, to a Saudi Arabian.[3]

His only son, Kim Philby, became infamous as a double agent for the Soviet Union in 1963.[4]

“لقد أثبتت الأيام الخوالي ذيوع صيتمحمد بن لحيم ،في منطقته الحاليه،هذا الرجل يشتهر أيضا،بين رجال قبيلة مرة المحبين للحرب ،بأنه صاحب شجاعة في القتال وفي المعاركهذا الرجل لم يعد له اعتبار في خرفه الذي هو عليه الآن ،ولم يعد له من شيء يفعله سوى رعي الغنمنظير أجر زهيد، وفي يوم من الأيام،وقد لايكون ذلك بعيداًسوف يرقد ذلك الرجل على الارض انتظارالسكرات الموت،وبذلك تقوم الصحراء التي وسعته وهو على قيد الحياة،بستره بعباءتها بعد وفاته.”
هاري سينت فيلبي
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