ماهر البطوطي photo

ماهر البطوطي

I lived in Tanta, Alexandria and Cairo. Joined Cairo University, Faculty of Arts, Department of English, class of 1961. Worked At the ministry of Higher Education. Was sent to Madrid, Spain to work as Cultural Attache for almost 5 years. In 1977, I passed the United Nations exam for Arab Translator and began working in New York in March 1978.

In 1981, I transferred to Editing Section to establish the Arabic Unit there. I stayed there till retiring in June 2001.

In 2005, I got the American Nationality.

I am married and have one son.

I read in Arabic, English, Spanish and French.

I published 26 books in Arabic: 16 translated and 10 authored.

Since I am reading now for more than half a century, I will log hundreds of books as read, which means during past time and not nowadays.

My library here in NY comprises about six thousand books in four languages.

“وسوف أذكر هنا فى سطور موجزة أمثلة ثلاثة تبين مدى ما كانت ألف ليلة وليلة - وما تزال - تتمتع به فى الغرب من أهمية ، أولها أنها كانت تندرج - فى العصر الفكتورى بإنجلترا -ضمن الكتب العشرة الأكثر انتشارا”
ماهر البطوطي
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