شريف دولار photo

شريف دولار

Visiting professor of management sciences at the Egyptian and French universities for the MBA and the DBA . Acted as consultant to the United Nations and occupied the posts of chairman , president and general manager of different companies in various fields . Active in the public life in Egypt and was the board member of the Social Fund for Development , the State Holding Company for Chemical Industies , and the Alexandria and Damietta Port Authorities , the Alexandria Business Association and the Arab Management Association . Was appointed as the first Honorary Consul of India in Alex and awarded the highest French academic award for his teaching . Also acted as head of the management department of Senghor University and is consultant to the Egyptian Japanese University for Science and technology . Author of several books on economic and administrative development and write articles periodically in Al Ahram newspaper since 1990 . Member of the High Council for Culture and the Academy for Scientific Research and Technology .

“الديمقراطية السياسية الحقيقية لا تترسخ إلا من خلال ديمقراطية اقتصادية”
شريف دولار
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