安妮宝贝 photo


Annie Baobei (安妮宝贝), real name Li Jie, is the most talked about and widely read female author in China, nicknamed ‘Flower in the Dark’ since her stories detail the loneliness and isolation of Chinese urbanites. Her candid yet sensitive reflections on contemporary city life have significantly influenced the generation of Chinese readers born during and after the 1980s. ‘I write for kindred souls,’ she once said.

Annie Baobei made her debut with the short story collection Goodbye Vivien, which sold over half a million copies, and followed up with the bestselling novels The Flower across the Bank and Two and Three Matters.

Her current bestselling novel, Lotus, is an emotionally charged love story set in Tibet. It has sold over half a million copies, and was the bestselling novel in China for weeks after it was published. She lives in Beijing, writing novels and essays as well as contributing regularly to Chinese magazines including Harvest, Writers and Elle.


In 2014, Annie Baobei announced on her Weibo, "Anni Baobei changes pen name into Qing Shan"

“Thời gian để quên một con người có lẽ cũng lâu như khi nhớ tới. Và cuối cùng, những thứ mà bạn nhìn thấy được, vẫn chỉ là sự tĩnh lặng của mình. Như thể chưa từng yêu. Mọi giới hạn đều quá mơ hồ. Ở bên trái. Cũng có thể bên phải. Thứ mà chúng ta yêu, vẫn chỉ là bản thân tình yêu. Có hay không con người đó đã không còn quan trọng.”
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