Abdolkarim Soroush photo

Abdolkarim Soroush

Abdolkarim Soroush was born in Tehran in 1945. Upon finishing high school, Soroush began studying Pharmacy after passing the National Entrance exams of Iran. After completing his degree, he soon left for London in order to continue his studies and to become familiar with the modern world.

It was after graduating in analytical chemistry from graduate school at London that he went to Chelsea College, for studying history and philosophy of science, spending the next five and a half years there. During these years, confrontation between the people and the Shah's regime was gradually becoming more serious, and political gatherings of Iranians in America and Europe, and Britain in particular, were on the increase. Soroush, too, was thus drawn into the field.

After the Revolution, Soroush returned to Iran and there he published his book "Knowledge and Value" (Danesh va Arzesh) the writing of which he had completed in England. He then went to Tehran's Teacher Training College where he was appointed the Director of the newly established Islamic Culture Group.

A year later, all universities were shut down, and a new body was formed by the name of the Cultural Revolution Institute comprising seven members, including AbdulKarim Soroush, all of whom were appointed directly by Ayatollah Khomeini. The purpose of this institute was to bring about the re-opening of the universities and total restructuring of the syllabi.

In 1983, owing to certain differences which emerged between him and the management of the Teacher Training College, he secured a transfer to the Institute for Cultural Research and Studies where he has been serving as a research member of staff until today. He submitted his resignation from membership in the Cultural Revolution Council to Imam Khomeini and has since held no official position within the ruling system of Iran, except occasionally as an advisor to certain government bodies. His principal position has been that of a researcher in the Institute.

See also عبدالکریم سروش

“لا التشيع هو الإسلام الخالص، ولا التسنن، ولا الأشعرية هي الحق المطلق، ولا الاعتزال، لا الفقه المالكي، ولا الفقه الجعفري، ولا تفسير الفخر الرازي ولا تفسير الطباطبائي، لا الزيدية، ولا الوهابية، لا كافة المسلمين في معرفة الله وعبادته عارون وخالون من الشرك، ولا قاطبة المسيحيين إدراكهم الديني خال منه، كلا، بل لقد ملأت الدنيا الهويات غير الخالصة، فلم يتربع الحق في جهة من الجهات دون جهة أخرى لتكون باطلاً محضًا، وعندما نذعن لهذا الأمر فسوف يتسنى لنا هضم الكثرة بشكل أفضل”
Abdolkarim Soroush
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