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Abigail Reynolds

Abigail Reynolds may be a nationally bestselling author and a physician, but she can’t follow a straight line with a ruler. Originally from upstate New York, she studied Russian and theater at Bryn Mawr College and marine biology at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole. After a stint in performing arts administration, she decided to attend medical school, and took up writing as a way to retain her sanity during her years as a physician in private practice.

A life-long lover of Jane Austen’s novels, Abigail began writing variations on Pride & Prejudice in 2001, then expanded her repertoire to include a series of novels set on her beloved Cape Cod.Her most recent releases are A Matter of Honor, Mr. Darcy's Enchantment, and Conceit & Concealment. Her books have been translated into six languages. A lifetime member of JASNA, she lives on Cape Cod with her husband, her son and a menagerie of animals. Her hobbies do not include sleeping or cleaning her house.

“Thou hast ravished my heart.”
Abigail Reynolds
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“The more I thought about it, the more I realized that the measure of a country isn't in how its richest citizens fare, but in how its poorest citizens live.”
Abigail Reynolds
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“Sometimes she wished for someone she could tell about her problems, just to be able to say, ‘I’m in love with a man and I can’t have him.’ But that would only lead to questions she couldn’t answer, so she kept the secret and the pain inside, hoping someday she would no longer feel as if half of her were missing.”
Abigail Reynolds
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“It seems we are all too vulnerable to having our heart lead us astray from what is right”
Abigail Reynolds
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“I would like to point out that while I have considerately remained composed during our discourse, I do have streneous objections to you taking risks such as walking into burning buildings”
Abigail Reynolds
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“Do you know what it is to be a man violently in love? To live for a woman's smiles and laughter, to hunger for her touch until life itself seems impossible without it, to desire her as you desire to breathe?”
Abigail Reynolds
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“I don't want your duty kisses. They taste bitter”
Abigail Reynolds
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“I like my coffee with cream and my literature with optimism.”
Abigail Reynolds
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