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Abigail Roux

Abigail Roux was born and raised in North Carolina. A past volleyball star who specializes in sarcasm and painful historical accuracy, she currently spends her time coaching high school volleyball and investigating the mysteries of single motherhood. Any spare time is spent living and dying with every Atlanta Braves and Carolina Panthers game of the year. Abigail has a daughter, Little Roux, who is the light of her life, a boxer, four rescued cats who play an ongoing live-action variation of 'Call of Duty' throughout the house, a certifiable extended family down the road, and a cast of thousands in her head.

“I know he's not stupid," Julian whispered in a stricken voice. "He's not...he's not one of us, just like you said. he's the kind of man who if you gave him a gun and two choices--shoot one of your dogs or shoot yourself in the head--he'd put the gun to his ear and pull the trigger.""Hell, Jules, you'd do the same thing if someone did that to your and your goddamned cats," Blake said in amusement. "No," Julian murmured with a shake of his head. "No there's a third option. People like us, we're third-option people. We take the gun, stuff it in the person's mouth, and eliminate the problem. Walk off into the sunset with our kitty.”
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“After a moment of composing himself, he raised his head and dejectedly looked at Zane. “Even when I‟m someone else, people try to kill me,” he joked.Zane sighed and sat down next to him. “Must be your charming personality showing through all the bleach.” He reached out to run his fingers through Ty's abused hair.”
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“Zane just smiled and walked to open the door for him. “Let‟s go, doll.”Ty merely rolled his eyes as he walked past him.Give the man a weapon and suddenly he was all smiles again.”
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“I've never made fun of you. Making fun of you would imply that something about you is fun.”
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“He'd seen a phoenix waiting to rise from the ashes, and he still did. every time he looked into Zane, he saw something extraordinary.”
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“He turned to look at the door and narrowed his eyes. So, Rule Number One, apparently, was that he wasn’t allowed to crack a smile during foreplay. “Got it,” he muttered to himself as he pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it to the side before stepping up to the door and throwing it open.”
Abigail Roux
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“Evening,” Zane greeted quietly, voice still dark with sleep. He yawned and ran his hand through his hair. The short curls were riotous. “I’m hungry.” “Ugh,” Ty groaned sleepily. “God, you’re worse than a date,” he muttered. “I have to feed you, too?”
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“I just need to be able to trust you, Ty,” he whispered. “You can. I swear you can. I’d die for you, Zane.” Zane’s heart was in his throat as he studied Ty’s profile. “I know.”
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“Zane swallowed hard as he slid his hand to take Ty’s and lace theirfingers together. “Are you feeling this, too?” he asked, echoing what they’dasked each other months ago, only to have it pushed aside. But not forgotten.”
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“Are you … are you feeling this, too?” Ty asked against his betterinstincts.”
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“Liam made a low whistling sound through the device inZane’s ear. “Little touch and go there, lads. Who do I shootfirst if things go to hell?”
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“You were right, you know,” Ty whispered.“About what?”Ty swallowed hard. “I sold my soul a long time ago.”Ty gripped Zane’s shoulder and pressed him down,laying him out again, then stretched out over Zane, his handdragging down Zane’s body to push at his boxers.“Ty,” Zane gasped.Ty kissed him. Zane trailed the tips of his fingers downTy’s arm, sliding over the tattoo and the scars and the muscles.“Do you really believe that?” Zane asked.“I know it. I will never be the man you think I am.”Zane’s breaths came harder. “We’ve both been trying sohard to be worthy of each other.”
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“And you,” Ty continued, his voice breaking. “You’re aphoenix, Zane. Rising from the ashes. And all I do is makeyou burn.”Zane’s throat was too tight to swallow past, and his nextbreath came out a choked sob. He had never imagined thatwas how Ty saw him, and hearing it now made him want totake back every harsh word they’d ever shared, every thrustand parry of their relationship.”
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“Zane.” His voicewas hushed and pensive. “Sometimes I’m not capable ofexpressing how grateful I am for you.”“What do you mean?”Ty put a hand to his own chest, visibly struggling tofind the right words. “For your . . . So few people have everunderstood the way I work. In here.” He tapped his chest.“Thank you for . . . your insight.”
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“I swear to you, Zane. I thought what I was doing was right. I searched for you after I left New York. You were out of my reach. When Burns read me in, the only thing I could think of was that it was the only way of getting back to you. Being partnered with you full-time, being able . . . being able to see you every day, to have you in my life. When he said you might need protecting, it was the only thing I heard. I swear to you. All I wanted from the day I left you in that hospital was you. To be back there with you.”
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“Zane lay where he was, unable to move even if he’d wantedto. He snaked a hand across the short distance between themand slid his fingers into Ty’s. Ty’s hand closed around his witha gentle squeeze.“I just need to be able to trust you, Ty,” he whispered.“You can. I swear you can. I’d die for you, Zane.”Zane’s heart was in his throat as he studied Ty’s profile. “Iknow.”
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“You told me one time that . . . I was your compass. I gave you direction when you were lost,” Ty said, nearly choking on the words. He glanced up, eyes reflecting like liquid in the low light. “Well, you were my anchor. You were something solid for me to hold onto. I wanted you to remember that.”
Abigail Roux
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“I would have chosen you over anything," Zane hissed. He pulled back, breaking Ty's hold, bunched the front of Ty's shirt in both hands, and jerked Ty forward until they were nose-to-nose, until Ty's feet weren't solidly on the floor. "My job, my family, my wife. I would have given my life for you! But you! You can't even given me the truth!”
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“Feet pue tan!” she shouted. Ty cleared his throat, looking at Zane wryly. “She just called me a goddamned son of a bitch.” “I like her,” Zane responded.”
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“Zane.” Ty’s voice was harsh in his ear. “Don’t speak geek to me when you’re naked. It shatters the illusion.”
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“This is a bad idea. Remember when we were on TV?”“Yes, Grady got fan mail for a month.”“I did?”“We burned it, as you should all evil things”
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“Ty laughed, a carefree, boyish sound, and glanced to his side, distracted by what he saw. “You moved the rug.”“I kitty-cornered it.”“Why would you do that?” Ty asked, aghast.“To see you lose your shit when you got home.” Zane leaned closer, grinning evilly. “There are other things out of order too. Books not alphabetized. Coffee mug handles facing different directions.” He lowered his voice to a whisper as Ty’s eyes widened in horror. “The closet isn’t color coded.”“You’re just watching the world burn, huh?”Zane laughed.“God I missed you.” Ty said in a rush of breath.”
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“Who are you, Zane?"Zane cocked his head. "I'm an artist. I'm a geek." He felt Ty smile. "I am one badass motherfucker on a motorcycle."Ty began to laugh.Zane dipped his head until they were staring into each other's eyes. "And I'm yours.”
Abigail Roux
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“Obsessive compulsive" Nikolaus mumble in amusement. "I would rather eat a grenade than make a line with two different colors!" Remy responded in a pained voice as he pointed at the pad of paper. Thiago snickered as he continued to torment the Cajun with his blue pen.Speaking of grenades, though... Brandt had a timing device around here somewhere. What had he done with it?”
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“So you st that charge, and then put yourself right smack in the middle of the blast radius?" Brandt asked with what might have been open admiration. Remy nodded curtly. "Marry me," Brandt requested with unholy glee.Remy cracked a smile and Carl laughed softly at Brandt's side. Shawn and Nikolaus both sat motionless, staring at Remy disbelievingly. Thiago rolled his eyes and cleared is throat. Nothing Remy did surprised him now.”
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“Ty Grady was a rude, insufferable, egotistical, stinking son of a bitch, and Zane was going to figure out how to tune him out. Otherwise, he just might give in to the pressure and kill the bastard, for the good of humanity.”
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“Ty’s jeans were totally soaked and clung to him like a second skin, and Zane had to swallow hard. Jesus. “Good luck getting out of those gracefully,” he rasped with a slight smile, still leaning against the wall.“Good luck thinking for the next hour,” Ty shot back with a smirk.“Shit,” Zane muttered, turning into the spray to wash before leaning and shutting the water off.”
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“I like being able to wake up to you. I like knowing you’ll be there if I need you,” he continued, obviously uncomfortable with what he was saying but refusing to be deterred now that he’d begun. “I like being with you, Zane. And I’d like to keep that up now that you’re here,” he admitted shakily. He met Zane’s eyes determinedly. “I want you.”
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“Brandon licked the tip of his finger and hooked it in the air in front of him, making a fizzing sound. “Score one for the nerd.” “Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then.” Jake snickered.”
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“Guy with a gun, I’m your man. Big white tiger with teeth, it’s every steak for himself." - Ty Grady”
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“...there are so many paths in life. Some we choose, and some are chosen for us. We walk our paths without looking down and that's the life we lead. The only things you'll get from guessing where another path would have gone are questions you can't answer and heartache you can't ever soothe.”
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“I refuse to live with any more evil cats. It’s him or me.”
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“Ty,” Zane yelled, “don’t shoot the tiger!”“He started it.” Ty continued to stare at the tiger, and the tiger at him.”
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“It was now or never. Zane took a slow, deep breath and ducked his chin, tilted his head sideways, and slid his lips firmly against Ty’s.”
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“Zane didn’t laugh this time. In years past he had sat uncounted times in the dark of night,smoking, shooting up, drinking, wondering if the coming morning would be the one when he didn’t wake up. Sometimes he’d even prayed for it. But not since Ty. Yeah, he believed in miracles.”
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“Do you believe in God, Agent Garrett?” Julian asked suddenly, his eyes on the hallway. The question caught Zane off guard, but he wasn’t sure that was Julian’s goal. Religion didn’t have much place in Zane’s life anymore, like a lot of other things. But did he believe? “Yeah,” he said quietly. Zane figured he’d have long ago been in the ground if it wasn’t for some higher power watching out for him. Julian was nodding. “You should. It’s a bloody miracle your partner has lived this long,” he murmured. He began moving toward the kitchen. “Man’s an idiot,” he muttered under his breath as he passed Zane.”
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“Deuce glanced at him before turning his attention back to Zane and Julian. “Dare I ask what you’ve done to deserve protective custody?” he asked Julian. “I deal antiques,” Julian answered in a soft voice. Deuce nodded, looking Julian up and down. He turned his head to look at Ty speculatively. “That’s a euphemism for ‘I kill things’, isn’t it?”
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“Ty bit his lip, watching his lover just because he could. He firmly believed that being able to rile Zane like he could was one of the aspects of their relationship that had saved Zane from tumbling back into his destructive past. Every now and then, Zane just needed to feel like he was alive. Everyone should be able to feel that. And if annoying him to the point of homicide was what it took, Ty was up to the challenge.”
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“Goddammit!” Zane lashed out without warning and hit the water bottle, sending it skidding across the carpet and splattering at Julian’s feet. “I’m gonna end up in the fucking madhouse because of you!” He reached out and grabbed Ty’s wrist, pulling him closer. “Loving you is going to make me fucking insane! I said no, and I mean it!”
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“I’m sorry. Walls are closing in and I need to go.Love you.”
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“Hey, give me my gun, would you?” Zane asked as he shifted, only to wince as the skin pulled. “Why, you planning on shooting me in the ass when I turn around?” Ty asked sarcastically as he reached for the holster. “Tempting, but you’d probably get off on it,” Zane said, holding out his hand.”
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“Listen up, ’cause I’m only gonna say this once,” Ty muttered as they walked to their gate. “I don’t talk when I fly. I sleep. And I don’t listen when I eat, understand? I don’t wanna be buddies. I don’t wanna chat,” he said with a sarcastic lilt to the word. “I don’t wanna know about your childhood or how your momma whipped you with a rubber glove or how much therapy you had to go through ’cause you flunked out of preschool. I don’t wanna hear about how you want to be Director someday or how many collars you got chasin’ those Internet freaks or how proud you are of your bowel movements. I don’t wanna go shopping at Barney’s with you, and I’m not gonna help you pick out your ties to match your socks and, I swear to God, if you get me shot, I’ll kill you.”
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“Good or bad?” Ty asked, rubbing his fingers over Zane’s chest to soothe him. Smith chose that moment to come out of hiding, pouncing on his moving fingers and landing on Zane’s chest. His claws sank in, turning the bed into a frenzy of cat fur, flying linens, and screaming FBI agents.”
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“What are you two up to today?""Oh, I just figured I'd show Ty some more of Texas. Head down to San Antonio and visit the Bureau office there," Zane said. He shot a sideways look at Ty. "Maybe spend the night in Beaumont."Ty smacked his forehead and turned his head away. "Not much in Beaumont to see," Harrison said with a frown. Zane grinned. "Even so, we're going to try to get it in." Ty had his hand over his mouth, his head down. He was either going to throw up or he was laughing. Harrison felt he'd missed a joke, but he thought maybe he didn't want to know.”
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“Had a gay bull I had to sell last year. That was a damn nuisance. Gay son? That don't cost me nothing.”
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“You lurve the tiger," Zane croned. "Shut up, Zane".”
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“I want you to put 'He didn't want to ride the damn horse' on my tombstone.”
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“Okay there, Ty?""Yes, sir," Ty answered with a grimace. "Bad leg. Old football injury. Tripped over the water boy. There was Gatorade everywherem it was horrible.”
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“She told me to wait,that I was going to lose a finger." Earl looked toward the kitchen and back at Ty and Duece. He snorted. "I asked her, did she think I was stupid? Then a couple of snips later, whack. Off went the finger. And you know what that woman said to me? I said 'Mara you cut my finger off.' And your mother said to me, 'Well Earl who's stupid now?”
Abigail Roux
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“Good kitty""Why do you encourage them?""They're good kitties.""They're your minions.""Everyone needs a minion or two""You won't be so pleased when you find me ground up in their food bowl one day.”
Abigail Roux
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