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Abigail Roux

Abigail Roux was born and raised in North Carolina. A past volleyball star who specializes in sarcasm and painful historical accuracy, she currently spends her time coaching high school volleyball and investigating the mysteries of single motherhood. Any spare time is spent living and dying with every Atlanta Braves and Carolina Panthers game of the year. Abigail has a daughter, Little Roux, who is the light of her life, a boxer, four rescued cats who play an ongoing live-action variation of 'Call of Duty' throughout the house, a certifiable extended family down the road, and a cast of thousands in her head.

“I'll stick this so far up your ass, the smoke will come out your ears.”
Abigail Roux
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“Bad Dixie! No more sex for you!”
Abigail Roux
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“Untie me so I can kill you.”
Abigail Roux
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“Death by muffin.”
Abigail Roux
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“Stop thumping me, you fuck!”
Abigail Roux
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“My God, how long would you have let me wander around Prague before you said 'hold up a minute, Helga, this isn't Japan!”
Abigail Roux
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“We had some rum flow trouble.”
Abigail Roux
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“I'm like the fucking Three Stooges of espionage. All three of 'em. All rolled into one!”
Abigail Roux
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“Yeah well, sorry I 'fucked' at you”
Abigail Roux
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“What's shaking, Gatorbait?”
Abigail Roux
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“Quiero Taco Bell, asshole?”
Abigail Roux
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“Somebody kick Che Guevera in the nuts for me please!”
Abigail Roux
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“Submerge, bitch.”
Abigail Roux
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“No, Shawn, he did a lovely little choreographed number and tapped it out in Morse Code.”
Abigail Roux
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“Yes, things catch fire," Shawn ground out as he switched the safety off and cocked the gun threateningly, letting it dig even further into Brandt's cheek. "But hotel rooms do not just catch fire! Automobiles do not just catch fire! And my favorite pair of sweatpants do not just catch fire!”
Abigail Roux
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“You prance in my mind, Mary.”
Abigail Roux
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“Fucking pyromanic, Crazier'n a male crab, that one.”
Abigail Roux
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“He tightened his arms, not wanting Ty to move away. “It’s more than just fucking around now,” he said. “Isn’t it?” He made sure the tone of his voice emphasized that it wasn’t really a question. Ty was motionless in response. He didn’t even seem to be breathing. The silence stretched on, edging toward tension. Finally, he let out his breath quietly and lowered his head. “No,” he lied blithely, just as he’d done in a hotel in New York City over a year ago. Zane chuckled. A classic Grady response, and definitely the one he preferred to hear. A “yes” just might have given him a heart attack. He held Ty close. “You owe me.” “Owe you?” Ty repeated in a rough, questioning voice as Zane felt his heartbeat begin to speed up. “Mm hmm. How I’ve wanted you,” Zane breathed. “It scares the hell out of me.” “I know,” Ty murmured as he turned in place and nuzzled against Zane’s neck.”
Abigail Roux
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“There are some friends you don’t risk for your own peace of mind. Some things… at the time it wasn’t worth the risk of losing him.”
Abigail Roux
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“You’re so freaking romantic. I don’t know how I keep my pants on.”
Abigail Roux
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“What do you want, MacGuffin, a duel?”“No.” Julian held out both hands, one palm flat, the other held over it in a fist. “Rock, paper, scissors. Two out of three.”Ty rolled his eyes and held out his fist, apparently willing to play. Julian hit his palm three times, and Ty kept time with his fist in the air. But when Julian threw a paper, Ty reached into his jacket with his other hand and pulled his gun, aiming it at Julian.“Ty!” Zane said in exasperation from the front seat.“Glock, paper, scissors. I win.”“You are an ass,” Julian muttered.”
Abigail Roux
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“Zane heard Ty whuff from within the bathroom, and by the time he looked back, Ty had shoved Julian’s face against the shower wall and was holding him there by the back of his head.“Watch the elbows.”“Watch your fingers,” Julian snapped.“Welcome to TSA training, bitch.”“Want the other set of cuffs?” Zane asked, hoping to appease his cranky partner. “You could spread his arms out.”“Will someone please tell me the safe word?” Julian asked.”
Abigail Roux
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“What? It’s not my blood!”“Let me see it,” Julian demanded, and a moment later there were sounds of a scuffle from the back seat.“I am AB positive and this is distinctly type O blood!” Ty finally shouted at him. “Look at the little Os!”
Abigail Roux
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“You have to believe me. Even if you don‟t understand,”
Abigail Roux
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“You totally just outed us to the criminals.-Ty to Zane”
Abigail Roux
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“Zane glanced toward the stairwell, then back to Nick. "How close are you?" he finally blurted out. "I have no frame of reference, other than the oorah and your tongue down his throat.”
Abigail Roux
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“This was like National Lampoon's Vacation, but with death, property destruction, and an Irish accent.”
Abigail Roux
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“Its twice as terrifying, working with someone you love. A mistake could cost you everything. It makes what they do that much more ... impressive. "- Julian about ty & zane”
Abigail Roux
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“Cameron found himself smiling as he thought about the two tough, acerbic FBI agents. "It's so cute. They're in love.""It's like watching two kittens fight with machetes," Julian muttered."Julian.""What? Its weird!""No its not. They're perfect for each other. Poor Zane though," Cameron murmured. "In love with Ty Grady." He couldn't imagine how frustrating that would be. Then Julian inhaled, and Cameron chuckled slightly. Yeah, he could actually.”
Abigail Roux
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“The CIA currently has in custody two FBI agents and a Boston police detective who is demanding they pay for the damage to his boat.""He's okay?"Burns nodded. "Emptied a double-barreled shotgun at a couple of Company lackeys, and then they arrested him. He spent all night claiming he thought they were the Men in Black coming to scan his brain"Ty bit his lip so he wouldn't laugh.-- about Nick”
Abigail Roux
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“he had never felt this type of heat and longing for another person. He didn't know how Zane did it, but Ty knew that there would never be anyone else for him. He wanted Zane to feel that too, to have that assurance both physically and emotionally. He would do whatever he had to make sure Zane knew he was his”
Abigail Roux
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“Does it make you feel better to know that I missed the hell out of you?" Ty whispered, lips moving against Zane's. "And I hope your still just a little angry when get back to my hotel."Zane let out a shuttering breath, "It'll be more than just a little."Ty hummed, the sound deep and anticipatory. It was almost a purr. "Promise?”
Abigail Roux
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“I love you, I will always be yours Zane- no matter where I am or where you are.I promise you that," he said, the words as serious as Zane had ever heard Ty utter.Zane felt flush all over, a little light-headed, and more than a little off kilter. What Ty promised.. . It was more than Zane had ever expected to want from anyone else ever again. But he did want that from Ty, desperately.”
Abigail Roux
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“I love you" Ty said, the quiet words devoid of any self-consciousness of his usual bravado. " And I've never been able to say that before with such conviction. I can't remember a time when you weren't the first thing I thought of, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don't care what stands in our way.”
Abigail Roux
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“Ty is like... a ninja on crack.”
Abigail Roux
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“Come on, " he said after a few seconds of content silence. "Let's go see the sights for a few hours. Pretend it's real."Zane's brow wrinkled "Pretend what's real?"Ty slid his hand down Zane's arm and linked their fingers again. "That I can hold your hand without worrying about being reconized.”
Abigail Roux
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“I don't think I've ever been gayer than I am right now.”
Abigail Roux
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“How do you want me to touch you?" Zane asked in a voice that rasped against Ty's skin. "I just want you.”
Abigail Roux
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“I'm fine, love. Agent Grady just needed a cuddle. And possibly a piece of my spleen.”
Abigail Roux
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“Ty watched him from the corner of his eye. All Ty had to do was keep that look on Zane's face, the one right there,relaxed and content and slightly amused. Then they'd be just fine.”
Abigail Roux
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“Falling in love or just plain falling : they were both terrifying at any speed”
Abigail Roux
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“He sighed heavily and lifted his chin stubbornly, meeting Zane's eyes without flinching. "I didn't just say it to get you to jump. I'm in love with you Zane," he admitted in a calm,clear voice."I have been for a while.”
Abigail Roux
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“The word that comes to mind is 'beefcake', Zane drawled, looking Ty over, appreciating the view"Mission accomplished then!" Ty said happily as he turned around to face Zane again. He frowned suddenly. "Is beefcake one word or two?"Zane laughed. "Who cares when you've got a great ass?”
Abigail Roux
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“You are mine,” he asserted in that sharpened, confident-sounding drawl. “I know it; you know it. And so will anyone else who looks at you.”
Abigail Roux
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“Ty smiled and turned his head to fully look at Zane. It was rare to catch Zane in this mood and Ty wanted nothing more right then than to head back to the luxury stateroom, lock the door, and get on his knees.”
Abigail Roux
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“Zane was starting to piss him off again. Which was good, he supposed. It meant the urge to lick him all over was passing, at least.”
Abigail Roux
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“When Ty was truly hot and bothered, it could be an amazing experience, like being mauled by a lion without the fuss of needing stitches after.”
Abigail Roux
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“I’m pretty sure I love you,”
Abigail Roux
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“If we’re ever found out,” he murmured in answer, “it could ruin us. And now we’ve got the added bonus of getting ourhearts broken if something goes wrong.”
Abigail Roux
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“Since we’re opening up with our feelings and all, I feel the need to tell you that this is the gayest car I’ve ever been in,”
Abigail Roux
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