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Abra Ebner

"It is more than probable that I am not understood; but I fear, indeed, that it is in no manner possible to convey to the mind of the merely general reader, an adequate idea of that nervous intensity of interest with which, in my case, the powers of meditation (not to speak technically) busied and buried themselves, in the contemplation of even the most ordinary objects of the universe." - Edagr A. Poe

I live with my two cats and Husband of three years. I love to travel, ride horses, write, read, draw, drink wine, cook, each chocolate, and design. Never figured I'd become a writer but did, and no matter the day it's always good because of it. My somewhat unhealthy facination with the idea that we all die adds an oddly sweet twist to my love stories. Ever since I was old enough to understand this, I haven't been able to stop thinking of it, and what happens after. To me, I don't want to lose the love I've built in this life... Writing books ensure that this will never happen.

Check out my newest book, Knight Angels, available now for early release through Amazon and Barnes and Noble!

Other venues to follow...

“I know your hormones are raging right now, but that does not justify bumping off the creepy new kids in school!”
Abra Ebner
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“Everyone has connections. For some it's family, like my brother and I. For some it's friendship, like you and Wes. And for others, it's something much more powerful, something yet to be seen.”
Abra Ebner
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“In a crowd, it's always easy to disappear.”
Abra Ebner
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“What once hurt, eventually helped me to heal.”
Abra Ebner
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“The only boys I ever saw here had glasses thick enough to be considered bullet proof and GPA's fit for Harvard.”
Abra Ebner
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“We live many lives, Jane, but very rarely do we ever come across the same soul twice.”
Abra Ebner
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