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A.C. Ping

A.C. Ping has traveled the World and lived in Australia, the UK, USA and Africa. He is the author of 8 books including the trilogy of personal development books BE, DO and FAITH that have been published internationally and translated into 11 different languages.

Now available in E book form is the second 'experiential' trilogy of books 'A Place Where You May Find Peace', 'Release Your Fear' and 'The Self Mastery Toolbox'.

"I've read all three of A. C. Ping's books in this "series": BE, DO, and FAITH. Now, I am going to re-read them all and try to put what I've learned into daily practice. Not that Ping is trying to give you 5 easy steps to enlightenment or anything like that... rather, he provides clarity and insight on many of the things that hold you back and drag you down, and points the way toward a healing, all-encompassing kind of faith--not limited to a particular religion or religion in particular.

What makes Ping's voice so unique: He walks a tightrope above New-Age, Pseudo-Science, and Religion... but walks the tightrope exceedingly well. He never falls into the safety net of what has already been said a million times in a million self-help books. His voice is fresh without being trendy or commercial. He spices things up with the occasional curse word or two.

He's down-to-earth, witty, and doesn't try to be your guru. He's more like a great friend who offers wonderful perspective and insight without coming across as a flawless, know-it-all. So rare!! I recommend these books highly! Start with BE, follow up with DO, and then feel the refreshing healing in FAITH. You won't regret it!"

Review on Amazon.com

For more information about A.C. Ping and the work he does with individuals and organizations, visit the website www.acping.net

“The best gift we can give other people is our whole selves in truth. By doing so we give them a true and accurate mirror that allows them to see themselves. We also give ourselves the best opportunity to grow.”
A.C. Ping
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“Limit your life to concentration on the self and your world can only be small. Embrace interconnectedness and unity and the world becomes endlessly full of possibilities.”
A.C. Ping
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“There's a lot of wealth in the world. For the most part in Western society, we've removed the threat of starvation an other life and death issues. Everything should be rosy. But it's not. As I've already noted, there is a rise in the incidence of depression in the Western world that threatens to become an epidemic. Freudian psychology says, 'Analyze them and find out what went wrong in their upbringing, then find a solution and fix them.' Other scientists look at the chemicals in the brain and say, 'Aha, it seems that they are depressed because they do not have enough x. Give them this pill and they will be fine in an hour or so.'That sort of thinking is like fixing a machine. Find out what's wrong, make the repairs and put it back into service. If it's human, analyze it, decide what's wrong, put it back into the economic machine, keep it going, keep it desiring, keep it working to fulfill it's desires. When it does it will be happy.NO. Doesn't work.I know people who have been taking antidepressant medication for years. There's nothing wrong with taking medication to correct an imbalance. The problem occurs if that's all you do. You need to take action to move things forward and change who you are being.”
A.C. Ping
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“In the event of a total loss of direction in life, be sure to sort our your own shit before you start telling people what to do.”
A.C. Ping
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“If we have no idea what we believe in, we'll go along with anything. Truth takes courage. Courage to stand up for what we believe in. Not necessarily in a confrontational way, but in a gentle yet firm way. Like an oak tree, able to sway gently in the wind, but strongly rooted to the ground.”
A.C. Ping
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“[...] death follows us around for a reason. It's because death is our best adviser. There is nothing more powerful than a person who is prepared to live right now, in this instant, fully accepting that this may be their last moment on earth.”
A.C. Ping
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“Logically, you should go to school, get good grades, go to college, get a good degree, go into the workplace, then work hard and be happy. The only problem is that happiness isn't logical.”
A.C. Ping
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