A.C. Warneke photo

A.C. Warneke

Like most writers, I spend most of my time telling myself stories and occasionally writing them down when they get too loud to remain in my head. The characters are also very demanding, wanting to go out into the world to be discovered by millions of adoring readers, though they are most satisfied with having only a few readers that truly love them. From the gargoyles that sit on top of the roofs to the Siren who lures her wolf astray to the Aradians and Apocritae to those who battle evil, the characters are everything.

When it comes to the actual writing I have discovered that every single one of my books likes to be created in a different way, which makes establishing an environment that is most conducive to my writing is not likely, though it occasionally involves chocolate covered raisins, music, minesweeper, occasionally Mahjong, lots of solitaire, notebooks and scraps of paper, doodling and day dreaming, and fruity, sugar-free bubble gum, not necessarily in that order and not always at the same time.

Of course, none of this would be possible without the love and support of my very loving and very tolerant family: my husband who encourages me to keep writing even when I act a little insane in regards to the worlds in my head, and my three kids who help out so much when I get lost in those same, darn worlds. They politely listen as I go on and on about my characters' motivations and back stories, their connections within the worlds created and how they fight to gain control of their destinies. But I am a cruel writer and make them earn their happy endings.

Since I am also a Romantic at heart, they are all happy endings.

Available books:

Darkness Comes (February 2012 – PNR)

Blight (March 2012 – UF)

Stone Lover (March 2012 – PNR, romantica)

Siren Song (May 2012 – PNR)

Stone Romance (September 2012 – PNR, romantica)

Blind Attraction (Jan. 31, 2013 – Contemporary)

Coming soon-ish:

Awakening (PNR/UF)

Stone Destiny (PNR)

After Blight (UF)

Darkness Comes book 2 (PNR – title to be determined)




“Clearing his throat, he rumbled, "Miss Darling, a word if you please.""Sesquipedalian," she said, keeping her back towards him.The strange response momentarily stunned him. "Pardon?"Turning around, she leaned against the counter and grinned at him, “You asked for a word and I gave you one. It means ‘many syllabled’ and while it’s exceedingly pretentious it is a lot of fun to say. Sesquipedalian; it tangles up the tongue and then just falls right off.“Or perhaps you would prefer a different word?” she continued guilelessly and he was completely charmed by her. “Tittle, which is the little dot over i’s and j’s; or Ornithopter, an aircraft that flies by flapping its wings; Tuatha De Danan Lora or Expector Patronum?”“Now you’re just making words up,” he grinned, and realized he had missed talking to her.”
A.C. Warneke
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“It looks like a group of evil f*cking gnomes came in here and decided to do the opposite of whatever they did for the shoemaker.”
A.C. Warneke
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