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Ada Adams

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“Many people sing in the shower. I write scenes in my head and act them out.”

A self-proclaimed book and TV junkie, Ada Adams spends most of her days immersed in imaginary worlds. Much like the kick-butt female characters she enjoys writing about, she is a martial artist with a Black Belt in Shotokan Karate. She is also a big proponent of lifelong learning and has attained a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology as well as a Masters of Science in Education.

Ada began her writing career at the age of three (with a string of short stories that only a mother could love) and has been inventing quirky characters and imaginary worlds ever since. She is the editor-in-chief of VEUX Magazine ( and a passionate advocate for the arts.

When she is not writing, you can find her on an adventurous nature hike with her dogs, Caramilk and Oreo. Or, more likely, deep in a jar of Nutella.

“Charlotte shrugged. “In the end, greed makes the world go round,” she proclaimed. “Although, revenge isn’t very far behind either.” She chuckled at her own joke.”
Ada Adams
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“Do you see what I’m wearing?” A small smirk tugged at the corners of his lips. “I do.” In a blink of an eye, his smile vanished. “But, to my misfortune, so does everyone else in this place.”
Ada Adams
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“Are we going to do this again?” I grumbled. “Do what?” “The damsel-in-distress and knight-in-shining armor bit.” Pain flashed in his eyes. “That's not how I see us,” he murmured, sliding his hand to the side of my neck. “I told you before, you're no damsel. You're more like a butt-kicking dragon.” He caressed my cheek with his hand. “Oh, thanks.” I attempted to sound annoyed, but his touch melted away the irritation in my voice. “Plus, I've worn armor before, and trust me, it's not my style.”
Ada Adams
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“Which means, while you guys are off partying tomorrow, I’ll be at home in my makeshift lab, playing with D’s blood.” I groaned. “You’re even able to make a nice gesture sound appalling. How is that possible?” “Years of practice,” he said, grinning.”
Ada Adams
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“Well, it’s more like a sentence on life,” he said, grinning. “I live by three rules: Don’t dwell on the past, present, or future, party hard, and never fall in love. Easy.”
Ada Adams
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“You’d think bad guys would get a little creative,” Razor whispered as we crawled under the fence. “Old, abandoned buildings are such a cliché.”
Ada Adams
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“If I had to, I was going to rip every inch of me open, give him as much blood as he needed to survive.”
Ada Adams
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“I reached for her through the darkness, but she was gone. Like dominoes folding over, the rest of the mirrors collapsed down on top of me. The impact caused the world around me to vanish.”
Ada Adams
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“Trouble in paradise? Want me to talk to him for you?” he offered. “I’m sure I can convince him to come crawling back. Even literally, if you’re into that kind of kinky stuff.”
Ada Adams
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“He smelled like a sultry summer storm—cool, refreshing rain, sweltering, hot wind, and charged, electric thunder—all rolled up into one extremely enticing vampire being.”
Ada Adams
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“Oh, alright,” I conceded. “But if you try something, I swear I’ll use my pet dagger to cut off—” “I said I’d behave! Though, you’re making it kinda hard to be good with all that talk of wanting to have your way with me.” I released my grip on his neck and smacked the top of his head.”
Ada Adams
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“Razor noticed. “You know him,” he said, narrowing his eyes. I nodded. He arched a brow. “Hmm…know him or know-know him?” “That’s none of your business,” I snapped.”
Ada Adams
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“Sophie nodded. “She’s right. It’s almost like they were…zombies.” “Zombies?” I asked in disbelief. “I know how it sounds, but it’s the truth,” Brooke said. “We were attacked by zombified vamps and weres.” She paused. “Okay…now that I’ve said it out loud, it does sound really stupid.” “It’s not like they were actual dead zombies, though,” Seth explained. “More like, robots.” Brooke rubbed her temples. “Now you’re bringing robots into this? You think that will help our case?” “Yes,” Seth growled. “Better than zombie vamps.”
Ada Adams
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“I said I wasn’t going to hurt you!” he growled, pinning me even further into the soft, wet earth. “But I never said that I wouldn’t hurt you!” I snapped. He brought his face toward mine. “I’d like to see you try,” he whispered.”
Ada Adams
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“Who are you?” I demanded when I was certain he couldn’t escape my grip. “I’m a twenty-four-year-old Taurus who enjoys long walks on the beach.” Even though I couldn’t see his face, I could feel his arrogant grin. “You have ten seconds to explain yourself,” I ordered. “Or I’m really going to hurt you.” “Oh, come on! Can’t we get back to the kissing? You can’t tease a guy like that.”
Ada Adams
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“Oh, alright. You’re no fun,” he sighed. “My name is Razor.” “What kind of a name is that?” “It’s a nickname.” “What kind of a nickname is that?” “Spike, Blade, Fang—all the good, deadly objects were already taken. It was the best I could do.”
Ada Adams
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“What are you doing here?” “I‘m simply an innocent gentleman trying to survive an attack by a crazy girl,” he teased, grinning. “I’m going to start counting down again,” I warned. “Okay, okay. I’ll tell you everything. But first, can you call off your pet dagger, please? I’ll be good, I promise.” I scoffed. “Why should I trust you?” “Because…I’m irresistibly charming?” He turned his head back to look at me. “Pretty please?” he asked, giving me another one of his teasing smirks—a trademark move that no girl refused, I figured, vowing to never be one of those girls”
Ada Adams
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“I’m a big girl. I can make my own decisions about my dance partners.” He raised his arms in defense. “All I’m saying is that the guy let you trip and fall. I worry about you dancing in someone else’s arms.”
Ada Adams
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“And…Dawn?” “Yes?” “Be careful.” “Be careful dancing?” He smiled. “The way you dance, that wouldn’t be bad advice.” Then he lost the smile and his cool eyes blazed with a strange current I’d never seen. “Be careful…always.”
Ada Adams
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“Sebastian then turned to the redhead. I didn’t want to know her name. I already had a perfectly fitting nickname for her in my head. “This is Selena Alvaro.” “Please call me Lena,” the girl smiled, extending a manicured hand. I shook it politely. Whatever Sebastian's issue was, I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of showing that I cared. “Do you know Bast well?” she asked me. Ugh. That nickname again. “I guess not,” I replied curtly, shooting him a pointed look. “He's just one of the vampires in town.”
Ada Adams
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“Is there anything I can say to convince you to stay out of this?” he pleaded, his voice taking on a softer tone. I shook my head. “Of course not.” “I didn’t think so,” he said miserably.”
Ada Adams
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“I saw you fall. Are you okay?” he asked. “Yup, great,” I said, forcing a smile. “Dancing One, Dawn Zero.”
Ada Adams
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“I heard that Mayor Rivers’ speeches are absolutely riveting,” Ethan joked, winking. “Oh, definitely.” My words were drenched in sarcasm. “I believe he called us strong, clever, and capable. There may even have been some irreplaceable, brilliant, and extraordinary thrown in there as well. Most of the speech was one big, fake thesaurus recitation.”
Ada Adams
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“His tone made me think that he wasn’t just talking about this date with Lena, but I didn’t have long to contemplate the thought. I was completely distracted by the fact that his arms had somehow found their way around my waist and were gently pulling me to him. My own body responded with a slight tremble, spilling over with tension as his mouth slowly sought out mine. “I wanted to do this all day,” he murmured huskily. His lips inched closer as I lifted mine to meet them.”
Ada Adams
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“I'm sure it's not what it looks like.” Sophie's meek voice held a note of pity. Brooke's, on the other hand, was laced with anger. “What the heck is he thinking?” “There must be a reasonable explanation for his actions.” “Ugh. Could that dress be any shorter?” “She's probably just a friend.” “You're way prettier than her, Dawn.” “Maybe she's his cousin?” Sophie asked hopefully. Brooke snorted. “Yeah, if you mean kissing cousin.”
Ada Adams
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“Brooke groaned. “Couple or not, isn't he like from the 1800's? Chivalry isn't dead, you know.” “I can't believe you actually know what the word chivalry means,” Sophie said, laughing. “Brooke's vocabulary is very extensive when it comes to talking about guys,” I teased, relieved that the conversation had shifted away from Sebastian.”
Ada Adams
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“Don’t worry, even if I don’t tell them, my little brother will. I’m pretty sure he was born for the sole purpose of making my life a living hell,” Seth muttered, then noticing that his parents’ friends were drawing near, rushed off to hide.”
Ada Adams
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“They managed to describe fifteen different weapons you’re an expert in, but they couldn’t even mention that I’m running for prom queen?” Brooke moaned.”
Ada Adams
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“For the first time since we began our sparring match, I was suddenly aware of him—all of him. Aware of the soft black curls tumbling across his forehead; aware of the firm muscles on his chest and stomach; aware of the intense heat in his silver eyes. Most of all, I was aware of the strong current coursing through my body, luring me toward him. Without further hesitation, he laced his fingers through my hair and pulled me deeper into him. His lips collided against mine, drawing me out of the darkness toward a warm, safe light. With a simple kiss, he had managed to dispel so much of my pain.”
Ada Adams
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“I have no idea what he wants. Maybe he needs to remind you to pack your skimpiest swimsuit.” He paused. “Oh, wait, no. That’s me.” He grinned as I rolled my eyes. “Why do I even try to have normal conversations with you?” I asked him. “Because you like talking to me.”
Ada Adams
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“I thought that you said that your name was reserved only for family.” A small smile broke through his stoic expression. “The way I see it, even if you don’t come around and realize that you can’t resist my striking looks and enticing charm, and that you desperately want to spend the rest of your life in my arms—” “Which will never happen…” “—you’ll eventually end up with my silly little brother. Who, just to warn you, despite being a great guy, is nowhere near as handsome and charming as I.”
Ada Adams
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“There is a light at the end of every tunnel. Some tunnels just happen to be longer than others.”
Ada Adams
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