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Adam Gidwitz

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“I'd say all mirrors are magical, or can be.They show you yourself after all.Really seeing yourself, though, that's the hard part.”
Adam Gidwitz
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“But beware, dear reader. For we go out into the wide, wild world, looking to change, looking to grow, looking for wisdom. But wisdom is hard to come by, and once achieved, it is very easily lost. Especially when one is leaving the wide, wild world - and returning to the place you once fled.”
Adam Gidwitz
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“Home is where you can be yourself.”
Adam Gidwitz
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“He stopped at every village, every hamlet, every house and hovel he passed along the way to ask if they had seen or heard anything of his sister,, Gretel. But no one had. "You mean Gretel, the old woman?""No, my sister.""Gretel, my sister's baby?""No, my sister. And she's not a baby.""I have a goat named Gretel.""No!”
Adam Gidwitz
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“Maybe you know something about young people, and maybe you don't. I, having been one myself once upon a time, know a few things about them. One thing I know is that if you don't want one to do something - for example, go into a room where there's a portrait of an unbearably beautiful princess- saying "It might cost you your life" is about the worst thing you can possibly say. Because then that's all that young person will want to do. I mean, why didn't Johannes say something else? Like, "It's a broom closet. Why? you want to see a broom closet?" Or, "It's a fake door, silly. For decoration." Or even, "It's the ladies' bathroom, Your Majesty. Best not go poking your head in there.”
Adam Gidwitz
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“There is this weird thing that happens, when you stop worrying so much about what other people think of suddenly start seeing what you think of you.”
Adam Gidwitz
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“When you do what you want, not what you wish...' said the first raven.'When you no longer seek your reflection in others' eyes...' said the second.'When you see yourselves face to face...' said the third.'Then,' the ravens intoned in unison, 'you will have found what you truly seek.”
Adam Gidwitz
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“Maybe I've been wanting the wrong things.”
Adam Gidwitz
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“She looked up, over the bandage that was nestled under her chin, and saw that the big-belly man with the red beard was starting at her, shaking his head. He looked like he was crying. "I got ya this time," he whispered, as if to himself. "This time, I got ya.”
Adam Gidwitz
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“So thirsty," Jack groaned."So worried,"said the frog. I hope we don't starve to death.""Yes,"said Jill, "not starving to death would be nice.""So would not thirsting to death," said Jack"Thirsting isn't even a word," said Jill"It isn't?""No.""Then what's the word?""I dont know. You just can't.""Oh."This is, of course, the kind of inane conversation that occurs when people are slowly losing their minds.”
Adam Gidwitz
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“They were amazing, fierce, beautiful children.”
Adam Gidwitz
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“There is a certain kind of pain that can change you. Even the strongest sword, when placed in a raging fire, will soften and bend and change its form... Trust me on this one. I know this from personal experience. I hope that you never will, but, since you're a person, and therefore prone to making horrible, soul-splitting mistakes, you probably will one day know what this kind of guilt and shame feels like. And when that time comes, I hope you have the take advantage of the fire and reshape your own sword.”
Adam Gidwitz
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“You see, Hansel and Gretel don’t just show up at the end of this story.They show up.And then they get their heads cut off.Just thought you’d like to know.”
Adam Gidwitz
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“For a momente she [Gretel] stopped and considered following the rain's advice. But then she shook her head. "You're being foolish," Gretel told herself. "Rain can't talk."No, of course it can't. The moon can eat children, and fingers can open doors, and people's heads can be put back on.But rain? Talk? Don't be ridiculous.Good thinking, Gretel dear. Good thinking.”
Adam Gidwitz
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“The oven became hotter and hotter, and Hansel began to sweat. Then a delicious smell wafted to his nostrils. Oh no! he thought. I'm cooking! He sniffed at the air. And I smell delicious!”
Adam Gidwitz
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“You see, to find the brightest wisdom one must pass through the darkest zones. And through the darkest zones there can be no guide. No guide, that is, but courage”
Adam Gidwitz
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“Once upon a time, fairy tales were AWESOME!”
Adam Gidwitz
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