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Adam Santo

Adam Santo is a SciFi/Fantasy writer who enjoys the quiet moments that everyday life offers to sit idly writing stories. His debut novel, Temperature: Dead and Rising, offering a newly twisted tale about zombies and took the world for a ride they would soon not forget. Santo began plotting out the second paperback novel, Temperature: Bitter Cold, before the ink dried on his first book. Santo continues to write nonstop because he knows there is always a story waiting to get out.

When he is not writing, Santo enjoys quality time with his son and friends, spending the occasional weekend at a movie theater, and reclaiming his youth when his son challenges him to a video game. Santo currently resides in sunny Florida with his beautiful child.

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“Using a fisherman's net with large holes will only catch big fish; letting the smaller ones escape unharmed. It is a lot like life: focusing only on one golden opportunity lets the smaller ones slip away unnoticed. However, starting small will catch larger opportunities over time.”
Adam Santo
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“Writing can be a splendid headache. Fun when words spill forth like a raging river and a catastrophic, hair-pulling experience when they won't.”
Adam Santo
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“Before you can write a single sentence, you must first create an entire world to support it.”
Adam Santo
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“I like honesty more than my ego does.”
Adam Santo
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