Adina Rishe Gewirtz photo

Adina Rishe Gewirtz

“Outside, I could smell the Zebra. Even if for some reason I stopped feeling cold or hot or rain or sun, I bet I could close my eyes and still tell which season I was in just by the smell of the trees and dirt there. Spring was sweet mud and flowers. Fall has a kind of moldy edge to it, and winter was all dust and bark. As for summer, the Zebra carried a mossy, thick aroma full of baking leaves and oozing sap, which I guessed was its growing smell.”
Adina Rishe Gewirtz
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“After the woman left, Gran, staring out back at the Zebra Forest, said to me, 'I'm a liar, I'll admit. But I pride myself on being a really good liar. That's part of my educational philosophy, too, Annie B. Mark that down. Lesson one: If you're going to do something, make sure to do it with excellence.”
Adina Rishe Gewirtz
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“Rew looked like he had put his face up to the sky in a rainstorm of freckles”
Adina Rishe Gewirtz
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“But when you're in second grade, you don't yet know the meaning of impossible”
Adina Rishe Gewirtz
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