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Adrian Phoenix

Adrian Phoenix writes urban fantasy and is the author of The Maker's Song series, (currently working on book 6) and the Hoodoo series, the third book, Black Moon Mojo and the forthcoming Sons of Darkness series. Her humorous paranormal Thinning the Herd was released January 2016.

She lives in Springfield, Oregon in a zombie-free home (except when meeting deadlines) with three cats, Keats, Emily, and Raven and has two sons, three grandchildren and three granddogs.

She loves to read and see movies, enjoys hiking with her granddog, Cielo, (immortalized in Black Dust Mambo and Black Heart Loa), and hanging out with friends.

She also loves creepy things and yearns to go on a paranormal investigation. She also hopes to do a haunted tour one day.

She also loves, loves, loves music – and anything by Trent Reznor is high on the list. She also loves to hear from my readers and fans, So please feel free to contact her!


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“You... what was that word you just used? Apologize? First 'please' and now 'apologize'? I think I need to sit down.”
Adrian Phoenix
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“Speaking of tiny skivvies I think that's what you both should wear during your inevitable cage fight. We can even call your soon-to-be epic battle the Die-You in the Bayou. Sell tickets.”
Adrian Phoenix
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“I've got yo' scent " he said nostrils flaring. "I can find you anywhere. Anytime. Yo' heart be mine Kallie Riviere hoodoo woman.”
Adrian Phoenix
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“Watch over her ma mère. S’il te plaît keep her safe. Even from me.”
Adrian Phoenix
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“Lucien bent and searched through the scraps of paper at Loki’s stone feet for the blood-kissed prayer Dante had placed among them. Finding it, he plucked it from the pile and straightened.The fading essence of creawdwr blood magic tingled against his fingers. Unfolding the liquor store receipt, he read the words scrawled in Dante’s lefty slant: Watch over her, ma mère. S’il te plaît, keep her safe. Even from me.Lucien reread the prayer until the words blurred. He closed his fingers around the receipt, the paper crinkling against his palm. He had no doubt who she was — Special Agent Heather Wallace.Wounded, his child, yes. Damaged, yes. But Dante’s heart was whole and in love, it seemed, with a mortal. Perhaps Heather Wallace could bind Dante and help keep his sanity from unraveling.Insanity. The fate of an unbound creawdwr.”
Adrian Phoenix
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“An eye for an eye is never enough. Never, never, never.”
Adrian Phoenix
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“If you plan to pass the pop quiz later, I’d advise it.”“It ain’t a pop quiz if you warn people beforehand. Doofus.”“That’s llygad-doofus to you, and did I say pop quiz? ’Cuz I meant ninja-quiz since you’ll never see it coming.”
Adrian Phoenix
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“I know what love feels like, but this, this man... fuck me. Steals my breath. Knots me up. Torches me.""No, this is what denying love feels like, man. Why you denying your heart?”
Adrian Phoenix
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“Who hears the wishes and goodbyes? The speaker does.... And you hope that what you say from the heart has power. Power to protect, power to reach the ears of the dead. A spoken thing or a whished-hard thing takes a shape within the heart, man. Takes shape. Becomes real.”
Adrian Phoenix
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“It wasn't the tequila and oxy. You really are that fucking gorgeous.”
Adrian Phoenix
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“Each of us is shaped by the truth of our natures.Von to Silver”
Adrian Phoenix
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“It's a good thing I love you, because you officially just scared the shit out of me.""A good thing yea," Dante agreed, squeezing her hand before releasing it."She's not alone in those sentiments," the Morningstar said, "Except for the love. I make no clamis there yet, little creaw-Dante”
Adrian Phoenix
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“ain't askin permission - Dante Baptiste”
Adrian Phoenix
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“Nothing, Basil. I’ll see you in a few,”Fine, and it’s Lord Basil.”Even in the bedroom?”Especially in the bedroom.”
Adrian Phoenix
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“As lost as I get, I will find you, Heather. Always" - Dante”
Adrian Phoenix
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