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Adriana Trigiani

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Beloved by millions of readers around the world for her "dazzling" novels (USA Today), Adriana Trigiani is "a master of palpable and visual detail" (Washington Post) and "a comedy writer with a heart of gold" (New York Times). She is the New York Times bestselling author of twenty books of fiction and nonfiction, including her latest, The Good Left Undone- an instant New York Times best seller, Book of the Month pick and People's Book of the Week. Her work is published in 38 languages around the world. An award-winning playwright, television writer/producer and filmmaker, Adriana's screen credits include writer/director of the major motion picture of her debut novel, Big Stone Gap, the adaptation of her novel Very Valentine and director of Then Came You. Adriana grew up in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia where she co-founded The Origin Project, an in-school writing program serving over 2,700 students in Appalachia. She is at work on her next novel for Dutton at Penguin Random House.

Follow Adriana on Facebook and Instagram @AdrianaTrigiani and on TikTok @AdrianaTrigianiAuthor or visit her website:

“There are two kinds of people in this world. Those who want to know the facts, and those who want to make up a nice story to feel better. I wish I was the kind who made up stories.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“If you look around to find meaning in everything that happens, you will end up disappointed. Sometimes there aren’t reasons behind the terrible things that go on. I ask myself, If I knew all the answers, would it help? I lie awake and wonder why I don’t have parents and wonder what will become of my brother and me. But when the morning comes, I realize that there’s nothing to be done about what has already happened. I can only get up and do my chores and push through the day and find the good in it.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“All your life you was one thing. And now you can be something else if you want! Somebody completely different. You can actually start yourself over from scratch. Turn yourself into what you have always wanted to be!”
Adriana Trigiani
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“No one worries about you like your mother, and when she is gone, the world seems unsafe, things that happen unwieldy. You cannot turn to her anymore, and it changes your life forever. There is no one on earth who knew you from the day you were born; who knew why you cried, or when you'd had enough food; who knew exactly what to say when you were hurting; and who encouraged you to grow a good heart. When that layer goes, whatever is left of your childhood goes with her.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“Moments are history. If you have enough of them, they become a story.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“He loved his family and he loved beauty. For a true Italian, those are the only two things that matter, because in the end that's what sustains you. Your family gathers around you and shores you up while the beauty uplifts you.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“When I close my eyes, all I ever see is her face. There is no place or time without her. Where I am doesn't matter when we're apart. All I want is her.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“For a woman, love is the highest dream, and if a man promises to build a ladder tall enough to reach it, she believes him, hikes up her skirt, and follows him to the stars.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“Ciro took Enza's face in his hands. "I have loved you all of my life. I was a boy who knew nothing, but when I met you, somehow I understood everything”
Adriana Trigiani
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“Giacomina had taught her daughter that you must dig constantly for meaning in the sorrow of this life, and that this sorrow must galvanize you, not define you.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“He sank into the leather seat and held hope in his heart like a hundred stars.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“Women move through the world never knowing their power.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“Beware the things of this world that can mean everything or nothing.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“A practical girl never pines; she takes action.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“It's the secret to happiness, you know. Only take what you need.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“When you lose someone, they take a bigger place in your heart, not a smaller one. Every day it grows, because you don't stop loving them. You wish you could talk to them. You need their advice. But life doesn't always give us what we need, and it's difficult.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“Life, Enza decided, is not about what you get, but what is taken from you. It's in the things we lose that we discover what we most treasure.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“La famiglia eterna.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“Mama always said a good family has one heartbeat. No one knows you like the people you live with, and no one will take up your cause to the outside world quite like your blood relatives.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“A man who needs a mirror is looking for something.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“The intimacy. The deepest level of love. The knowledge that someone understands you, is rooting for you, is sharing your life.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“He promised to love me. And for once in my life, I'm going to do the impractical, unwise, ill-advised thing. I'm going to make a decision based upon the feeling I have in my heart, and not what looks good on paper or makes anyone else happy. I'm going to do something for me, and I'll live with whatever Ciro brings into my life and be happy that I did.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“For Ciro, Enza would sacrifice, fight to put food on the table, worry and fret over babies, and live life in full. She had only one life to share, and one heart to give the man who most deserved it. If she took Ciro on, she was in for a struggle compared to her life with Vito, but the love of all loves was worth it.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“A cassock does not make a man a priest, any more than a fine dress makes a woman truly beautiful - or good or generous or intelligent. Don't confuse the way someone looks with the way they are.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“She savored their conversation, and often, when doing her chores, she remembered the words he said to her and how hopeful he was that she might kiss him again. Now she wished she had. because one kiss is not enough.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“Having a purpose is the little secret of the nonpretties. Something to do always beats something to look at.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“Do Italians tell you everything they feel without censor?”
Adriana Trigiani
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“Romy had never done a budget, Marisol had never designed costumes and sets, and Suzanne had never acted, but when I asked them to help, they didn't hesitate”
Adriana Trigiani
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“This is where men and women are different, we can put aside petty competition for relationships - they can't. It interferes.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“We hang out, we help one another, we tell one another our worst fears and biggest secrets, and then just like real sisters, we listen and don't judge.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“But what Mom never told me is that along the way, you find sisters, and they find you. Girls are cool that way.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“There's nothing an artist needs more - even more than excellent tools and stamina - than a deadline.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“.. its not so much about the shoes, but the person wearing them”
Adriana Trigiani
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“Tonight, I am a Perfect Girl, because I had a perfect night. And it ended with three perfect kisses. Three. What a lucky number.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“This is one of those times when explaining a feeling cannot measure up to actually having the feeling”
Adriana Trigiani
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“This should tell you everything you need to know about guys. They only go after what they know they can get. We girls, on the other hand, aim really high. We take a leap...”
Adriana Trigiani
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“Energy has to be fed from a source. If you don't feed the source, it dissipates entirely.Same is true of liking a boy. If you cut off the thoughts, if you stop pinning, you're free to find a boy who is attainable.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“This is something that I have learned at PA that I would have never learn at home because I have my own room and I'm an only. Nobody has it easy, not even the Great and Tall Blond One”
Adriana Trigiani
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“I like it when my mother smiles. And I especially like it when I make her smile.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“I look at my roommates who are so proud of me that it makes me proud.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“... but that's the beauty of boarding school. I make all my own decisions, small and medium, while the big ones are left up to the Prefect Academy - and as far as boys go, to the only expert I know - Suzanne Santry”
Adriana Trigiani
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“Really? We are being herded on a bus to drive across town to an all-boy academy where we disembark and join our lonely counterparts on a dance floor. Sounds like a scorecard situation to me.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“The dance that I wasn't going to attend in about a jillion years just turned into a make-out session with random boys we have never met.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“If the yellow patent leather flats fit...”
Adriana Trigiani
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“I don't use a crap camera, I don't eat junk, and I'm not going to a dance where the boys are bores”
Adriana Trigiani
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“I don't settle in any other area of my life when it comes to excellence, so why should I lower my standards when it comes to boys?”
Adriana Trigiani
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“The good things that happen to us were meant to happen, and the bad things that happen are lessons meant to teach us to be better.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved”
Adriana Trigiani
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“Marriage is like working in a coal mine. You hack away in the dark, day after day, busting rock, and you think you're not getting anywhere, and then all of a sudden, this little sliver of sunlight appears and you say to yourself, "oh, that's what I've been waiting for--just a little light, just a little bit of hope--a sign, maybe, that will get me through. does.”
Adriana Trigiani
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“Women give men a place to go. A man is a useless piece of equipment whose purpose is lost if it were not for women...It's like this. A man might go out and get a job, but only for someplace to go during the day. And he's only working that job to give the money to his wife. And then, if he does really buy her good jewelry. And only because she asks for it. Diamonds aren't a man's idea. The first woman sent the first man into a hole in the ground, and when he emerged with the first diamond she looked at it and said, 'It's too small. Dig farther." Men are not ambitious outside of their desire to impress women. A woman, in return, gives a man's life shape. A context. A place to go. It's very simple.”
Adriana Trigiani
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