A.H. Scott photo

A.H. Scott

"It all begins between the ears". - A.H. Scott


A.H. Scott is an author of fiction of varied styles. From contemporary to historical; she brings characters into stark view. Romances ever so sweet and tender to adventures of legends from far-away lands, her writing can take a readers’ imagination to places of courage, passion, pride, and sojourn of enlightenment. Yet, don’t be fooled, A.H. Scott does not let her pen rest on a single note of simplicity. She delves into desires within the heart with characters of sensuality and decadent lust. Women of abandon and men of lascivious intent intermingle in plots of hedonistic havens. Beyond the stars or right next door, her fiction soars and swirls with touches of light and excursions into shadow.


A.H. SCOTT Philosophy -

"As an author, I enjoy letting my characters and plots that I've created get inside of the reader's heads. I make a promise to anyone that rolls the dice and catches a glimpse of my work that you will never be bored. Your eyes, mind and soul shall be thrilled. This is my bond to you, the reader: No simplicity ever from A.H. Scott. Always complexity is my main intent on anyone who reads my work." - A.H. Scott



As a blogger, her articles and analysis touch on subjects of current events as woven through the lens of the past. Featured on the blog of master photographer, Tony Ward; her spark of wit, sass and charm is on display. In their collaboration, lion of the lens Tony Ward and the peppered pen of A.H. Scott have combined the percolation of image and prose into an invigorating elixir of provocative temptation.

Just type in my name (A.H. Scott) in the search bar and you'll find me in Tony Ward's arena of art and provocation -


lens & pen intersect in a blistering combination...



"I am proud to be a contributor to this anthology. "Letters To My Bully" sheds light on the soul crushing issue of bullying. It doesn't sugar coat the problem. It faces it head on. And, provides a pathway for all who are, or have been bullied in life. Glover Lane Press and Azaan Kamau have gathered together contributors from all walks of life to show that we all have constructed "Letters To My Bully" in some ways along our lives. This book is just the culmination of life's outpouring of emotion and reflection. Stand UP To Bullying! Stand UP For YOU..!" - A.H. Scott

"Letters To My Bully" brief description:

Letters to My Bully is a thought-provoking collection of letters, poetry and essays written by youth, women, men, seniors and celebrities that will change the way this country views survivors forever...

KINDLE - http://www.amazon.com/Letters-to-My-B...

PAPERBACK - http://www.amazon.com/Letters-My-Bull...


“Just when you think you've seen it all - see more.”
A.H. Scott
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