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Ahmad Von Denffer

From 1972 to 1978 he studied Islamic Studies and Ethnology at the University of Mainz. From 1978 to 1984 he was a research associate of the "Islamic Foundation" in Leicester (England), the Islamist Pakistani Jamaat-e-Islami and the teachings of Maududi stands close. It was developed by Khurram Murad directed, wrote the later of common Denffer books. Since 1984 he has been advisor for German-speaking affairs of Islamic Center of Munich, whose director then Mahdi Akef was a subsequent supreme leader of the Muslim Brotherhood. [1] From Denffer is editor of the magazine "Al-Islam".

In 1984 he became a founding member of the "International Islamic Charitable Foundation" in Kuwait. [2] 1986-1988 and from 1993 to 2011 he was chairman of "helping Muslims eV", since 1995 Trustee of "Muslim Aid International" in London. From Denffer published in 1989 a translation of Al-Qaradawi's book "and Don'ts in Islam" [3] and 1996 a German translation of the Qur'an [4] and numerous other books. On June 4, 2005, he was in the Shura Council elected the Islamic Center of Munich

“From Aus B. Shurahbil" He heard Allah Messenger say: "One who strives to strengthen an oppressor and knows he is an oppressor has already left Islam. Baihaqi”
Ahmad Von Denffer
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“Ibn Mas'ud said that Allah's Messenger said: Abusing a Muslim is sinful and fighting with his tantamount to Kufr. Bukhari Muslim”
Ahmad Von Denffer
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