Aidh bin Abdullah Al-Qarni photo

Aidh bin Abdullah Al-Qarni

عائض بن عبد الله القرني داعية إسلامي من السعودية، وصاحب كتاب لا تحزن الذي حقق نسبة مبيعات عالية، وكان إمام وخطيب جامع أبي بكر الصديق بأبها. وهو صاحب منهج وسطي لأهل السنة والجماعة من مواليد قرية آل شريح من آل سليمان في سبت العلايا عام 1379هـ/1960م. درس الابتدائية في مدرسة آل سليمان، ثم درس المتوسطة في المعهد العلمي بالرياض، ودرس الثانوية في المعهد العلمي بأبها، وتخرج من كلية أصول الدين بأبها، وحضر لشهادة الماجستير في رسالة بعنوان: كتاب البدعة وأثرها في الدراية والرواية، ثم حضر لشهادة الدكتوراه في تحقيق المُفهِم على مختصر صحيح مسلم. له أكثر من 800 خطبة صوتية إسلامية في الدروس والمحاضرات والأمسيات الشعرية والندوات الأدبية.


A'id al-Qarni is animam and preacher of the Mosque of Abu Bakr Abha.

He went to the primary school in Al-Suleiman, continued his education on the Scientific Institute in Riyadh, on the high school in the Scientific Institute in Abha, and earned a master's degree from the Faculty of Theology in Abha.

“Always better to be busy than bored -Idleness is a slow torture; it is an expert thief and your mind is the victim”
Aidh bin Abdullah Al-Qarni
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“Today is what you have and the only thing you can work with. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow isn't here yet.”
Aidh bin Abdullah Al-Qarni
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“Whatever has befallen you was not meant to escape you, and whatever has escaped you was not meant to befall you.”
Aidh bin Abdullah Al-Qarni
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“Your gold is your religion , your adornment is your moral attitude , and your wealth is your good manners .”
Aidh bin Abdullah Al-Qarni
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“Don't you think that this world is ever perfect for anyone . There is no one on the face of this earth who gets all what he wants or is free from all kinds of distress .”
Aidh bin Abdullah Al-Qarni
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“Physical well-being comes from eating little , mental well-being comes from sinning little , well-being of the heart comes from worrying little , and well-being of the tongue comes from speaking little .”
Aidh bin Abdullah Al-Qarni
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“The Blessed DayTry , when you pray Fajr to set in a humble manner and face the Qiblah for ten to fifteen minutes , remembering Allah a great deal and calling upon Him . Ask Allah for a good day m a blessed day , a happy day , a day of success and achievement with no calmaties , crises or problems , a day with bountiful provision , goodness and care . A day with no distress and worry - because from Allah one can ask for happiness and all that is good . If you sit like this and pray , this will by Allah's leave be guranteed to prepare you for a good , blessed and useful day .”
Aidh bin Abdullah Al-Qarni
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“Tidak ada satu kitab pun yang sempurna kecuali al-Quran”
Aidh bin Abdullah Al-Qarni
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