Aine MacAodha photo

Aine MacAodha

Aine is a writer from the North of Ireland. Her sense of place growing up amid the war in the north, and the beauty surrounding it, inspires her writing and her Photography. Her recent poetry collection is, Landscape of Self'by Lapwing Press.

Published in Magazines including, Argotist online,Luciole Press, Arabesque press,Oasis Press, Red Pulp Writers,Shamrock Haiku, Irish Haiku, Citizen 32, The herald, Forward Press, New Belfast Arts, Faces of the Goddess,and poetry now, Pirene's Fountain,The Toronto Quarterly, A New Ulster, Thefirstcut, soyles poetry magazine. Translations of poetry into Turkish.

Latest collection from

www.argotistonline Aines Photography site

To read Editor of Argotist Online Jeffrey Sides review of, Where the Three Rivers Meet, which has been published in, Galatea Surrection, follow link,


Her first 2 collection have been published by argotistonline

And her recent collection of poems by Lapwing Press.

Links in bio.

“~Awakened, made it throughthe veils of pitch,threaded with wars, flags andtribal intolerance; fixedon the horizons of my mind~”
Aine MacAodha
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“~Often in the music of the wind in some stony place recalled to mind neglected tombs that now are seldom traced hold celtic knots and swirls upon its face.~”
Aine MacAodha
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“Into this November aira supernatural forcedraws me to it like a magnet”
Aine MacAodha
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