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A.J. Arias

Hi, everyone! I'm the author of the YA novel, "Robbie Velez And The Key To Rocket City".

I have written political articles, short stories as well as a play. "The Key To Rocket City" was my first fiction novel for publication.

I will soon publish Book Two in the Robbie Velez Series: "The Dragon Betrayal".

This sequel will explore the backgrounds of main characters including Robbie's guardian Baltazar, a new Resistance ally named Conway and Louis' rich and untrustworthy parents.

The teens set off on a new adventure as they encounter a new principal, battle a robot dragon, unlock secrets about the Cyborg War and watch America descend into new darkness and tyranny.

“Trust no one," said Sullivan, "especially Teachers.”
A.J. Arias
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“Seize today with the hope of tomorrow and yesterday's wisdom.”
A.J. Arias
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