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Al Boudreau

“The greatest pleasure in life is derived from knowing the little piece of one's self offered to another has helped to make them whole again.”
Al Boudreau
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“When writing, aspire to sell your words by weight, not by volume.”
Al Boudreau
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“When it comes to having your manuscript edited, the truth will set you free; just as soon as you rewrite the whole thing.”
Al Boudreau
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“The measure of an individual's success should be determined by deeds, not dollars.”
Al Boudreau
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“Your dreams are merely seeds; hard work, and perseverance, are the water and sunlight that allow them to grow to fruition.”
Al Boudreau
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“If someone claims you will never succeed, fail only to listen, for when you prove them wrong, it shall be the sweetest success you will ever know.”
Al Boudreau
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