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Al Stefanelli

Al serves on the Board of Directors for The Clergy Project, and is the former Georgia State Director for American Atheists, Inc.

He is a retired journalist and the author of "Free Thoughts - A Collection Of Essays By An American Atheist" and "A Voice Of Reason In An Unreasonable World - The Rise Of Atheism On Planet Earth."

Al began writing in 1985, starting with the New York Times. In 1993 he joined a McClatchy newspaper, writing a weekly column for ten years. His writing continues to be widely distributed on the Internet and in print.

He also produced and hosted a weekly syndicated radio broadcast for three years and was the founder and President of the former United Atheist Front, Inc., which functioned as a civil rights organization.

Al is also a former Southern Baptist Pastor, having served two churches and as pulpit supply for three counties.

He co-hosts "American Heathen Radio" and "Reap Sow Radio." He occasionally guests on "The God Discussion Show" and has appeared on the TV program "Atheist Perspectives on News and Events as well as other media outlets.

Al also contributes to the "The American Heathen" blog and is a member of a local freethought group, the Fayette Freethought Society, in the Atlanta Metro area.

“. Religion retards intellectual growth, represses individual thought, is the adversary of science, the restraint against invention and the stalwart of what would otherwise advance our species into a peaceful existence, without want.”
Al Stefanelli
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“Anyone who is under the impression that the bible does not directly or interpretationally foster racial discrimination is either delusional or horrifically misled.”
Al Stefanelli
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“You can either believe, accept and live forever in blissful eternity; or disbelieve, deny and live forever in torment and despair. This is the divine thumb that the fundamentalist live under, and it is their fear of their God that not only keeps them in line, but also serves as the motivation for their insistence that they keep others in line as well.”
Al Stefanelli
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“Radical Islam and fundamental Christianity have one goal, and that goal is total world domination. Radical Islam would accomplish this by killing all the infidels and apostates. Fundamental Christianity would accomplish this by dumbing down the entire human race via inaccurate understandings of history and science.”
Al Stefanelli
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“The belief among almost all religions that our default existence after death will be one of eternal pain and suffering is genesis of evangelism and the reason why “Savior-centric” religions even exist.”
Al Stefanelli
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“Nobody has ever come back from the dead, and there is significant evidence that near death experiences are the product of brain activity that, while in an unconscious state, consist of perceptions that are just not reliable.”
Al Stefanelli
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“Every day, without exception, the scientific community discovers, uncovers or realizes something new that serves to debunk one of the long-held beliefs of fundamental religion. Every day there is one more reason not to look up in the sky and attribute something else to the supernatural”
Al Stefanelli
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“For unbelievers, evil can best be described as the abandonment of our minds to the minds of others.”
Al Stefanelli
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“By design, the Christian religion demands ignorance.”
Al Stefanelli
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“One competent scientist is worth more than a thousand evangelists.”
Al Stefanelli
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“. The whole idea of heaven and hell is a perfect illustration of just how the core of Christian doctrine is antithetical to reason, rationality and even life. It elevates ignorance and non-productivity and suppresses creative and innovative thought. One competent scientist is worth more than a thousand evangelists.”
Al Stefanelli
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“The belief in a god is irrational, and once this leap of faith is made it only takes short steps to abandon the standards of rationality and lose the ability to distinguish truth from falsehoods.”
Al Stefanelli
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“Indoctrinating a child with fundamentalist religious doctrine warps their instinctive attributes and causes them to contradict reason by default.”
Al Stefanelli
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“In short, missionaries are scaring people into changing their behavior and abandoning their tradition. They are destroying entire cultures for the single purpose of expanding their traditions. They are no different that corporate raiders, and that makes them decidedly immoral.”
Al Stefanelli
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“Comparing the vast knowledge base that has been accumulated, tested and proven for evolution, the continuing flow of new information that further adds to the knowledge base and a century and a half of unsuccessful attempts to falsify it by the scientific community, it becomes inconceivable that anyone still believes in the bizarre details of the Genesis creation myth.”
Al Stefanelli
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“It takes a huge contortion of logic to reconcile a loving and just God who hears and answers prayers with the millions of faithful believers who continue to endure unimaginable suffering every single day.”
Al Stefanelli
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“Prayer – The Art Of Talking To Yourself”
Al Stefanelli
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“Defining atheism as a religion is embellishment and bad philosophy.”
Al Stefanelli
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“The only thing a doctorate in Theology or Divinity proves is that you’ve wasted an extreme amount of time learning about something that doesn’t exist by studying a book that is filled with inaccuracies, interpolations, errors and outright lies...”
Al Stefanelli
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“Any diploma issued in the fields of Theology or Divinity isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on, especially the PhD. Someone who holds a doctorate in Theology or Divinity won’t be given the time of day by a real academic. They are posers. Fakes. Academic frauds.”
Al Stefanelli
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“There is no equality between fact and fiction, and anyone who purports themselves to be an academic and still puts religious dogma up as an ante doesn’t deserve the right to be called anything other than an ignoramus.”
Al Stefanelli
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“Somewhere during the process of intellectual development there was a disconnect in the believer’s ability to discern fantasy from reality and the outlandish, scientifically impossible, physically unrealistic, historically erroneous, intellectually retarded drabble that is contained within the pages of the bible became not only viable, but a more accurate representation of the truth than, well, the actual truth.”
Al Stefanelli
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“Christianity operates under the “malevolent universe” premise, which holds that humans are destined to a life of pain and suffering because pain and suffering are the natural state of life and not only are all people inherently evil, but the world itself is evil and the only hope that humanity has for happiness is in another form of existence, eternal life in paradise after we die.”
Al Stefanelli
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“Religion and morality do not go hand in hand. In fact, they are at the opposite ends of the philosophical spectrum.”
Al Stefanelli
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“Creationism doesn’t belong as a comparative to anything even remotely connected to reality, and by passing it off as anything other than the myth that it is should be seen as nothing short of abusive and neglectful toward our children”
Al Stefanelli
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“The simple and fact is that misogyny is fundamental to the basic writings of Christianity and it is such an intricate part of religious society that it took massive social movements to achieve the advances that women have made throughout US history.”
Al Stefanelli
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“The collective intelligence of the humanity is the sole result of human inquiry. It is through reason and the exercise of a free mind that overcomes superstition, and if there be a better future for mankind, it will come through us, not through those who are clinging to the last fragments of a decaying system of belief”
Al Stefanelli
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“We have no use for gods, holy books, heaven, hell, souls, salvations, sin, prayer, creed, doctrine or dogma, as these things are about as influential to us as an ice-cube on the surface of the sun.”
Al Stefanelli
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“Religion is to the human race as the appendix is to the human body. At one time it was useful, but now it is nothing more than a detriment, and one that can kill in short order.”
Al Stefanelli
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“Religion does not strengthen the believer. Without a healthy skepticism and honed skills in critical thought and analysis, believers wander through a jungle of delusion without the tools, strength or knowledge necessary to clear away the tangled growth that enslaves them.”
Al Stefanelli
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“There is no freedom in any religion. Only the Freethinker is free…”
Al Stefanelli
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“Ask a believer to explain how their God could provide them a great parking spot at Wal-Mart; yet allow six million people to die during the Holocaust.”
Al Stefanelli
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“The claim that God answers prayer is contrary to reality.”
Al Stefanelli
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“Religion only serves to add more narrow-minded, ignorant, bigoted, discriminatory and hateful people to the world.”
Al Stefanelli
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“. Christianity is marketed as a religion of love and tolerance, but inwardly it is a destructive virus that causes division, promotes willful ignorance and retards intellectual growth.”
Al Stefanelli
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“At the end of the day, what it all comes down to is that believers are basically scared shitless of the very god whom they believe loves them. This reminds of an abused dog that lives in fear of being beaten by their master, but still dutifully retrieves the morning newspaper.”
Al Stefanelli
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“It is not the unbeliever who has exchanged the truth for a lie, but the religious who has exchanged reality for fantasy.”
Al Stefanelli
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“The ends that religious people are willing to go to justify pain, suffering, death and murder as the will of god and all for his glory are mind-numbing.”
Al Stefanelli
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“An “Honor Killing” is nothing more than a vicious, pre-meditated murder committed by a sick, twisted, demented and psychotic fundamental religionist.”
Al Stefanelli
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“The religious right are being decidedly unpatriotic in their quest to drive us back toward the Theocracy that our revolutionary soldiers spilled gallons of blood to be freed from.”
Al Stefanelli
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“When a society removes moral responsibility by belief that the acquisition of knowledge comes from an unknown and mysterious venue, it loses its ability for rational conceptualization of values because they are stripped from the reality of this life and placed in an imaginary next life, which is a recipe for disaster.”
Al Stefanelli
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“. The understanding that what is good supports basic human rights and anything that threatens it is bad. We do not need a supernatural deity or an ancient holy book to determine this.”
Al Stefanelli
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“When mystical elements are introduced into morality, the whole system ends up being corrupted.”
Al Stefanelli
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“. Myth and superstition cannot compete with science on the platforms of reason and facts. But on the platform of fear mongering, science is nowhere near as powerful a tool as to what amounts to historically as the most effective marketing strategy of all time.”
Al Stefanelli
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“The scientific community thrives on probabilities, working theories and fact-based hypothesis that have resulted in the advances we have made in fields such as medicine and technology. The Christian community thrives on miracles.”
Al Stefanelli
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“Every aspect of the deeply religious persons life revolves around the delusion of a god. Once this belief is set, then science is reduced to the religious concepts of good and evil”
Al Stefanelli
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“The vast stores of knowledge that represent the evolving wisdom borne from the scientific mind is proof positive that religion is no longer relevant in a post-modern world.”
Al Stefanelli
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“Willful ignorance is an insult to the collective of human intelligence. Considering the vast amount of knowledge that is easily available, it is unconscionable that there remain living human beings who still believe in a young earth, creationism, the efficacy of prayer, the concept of original sin and the role that human sacrifice plays in its atonement, or any one of the literally hundreds of other aspects of religious dogma and doctrine that should have been abandoned half a century ago.”
Al Stefanelli
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“The fixation that believers have about avoiding certain sexual sins extends to the virtual exclusion of everything else. It renders as evil nearly everything connected with sex outside of marriage, as well as certain sexual acts between married couples. It would appear that God has a vindictive fixation on human genitalia. I suppose the whole circumcision thing should have been a dead giveaway right from the get-go.”
Al Stefanelli
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“Religious people are forced to perform mental gymnastics to reconcile real life with their delusions. When Christianity, Islam and the rest of the world religions finally have gone the way of Zeus, they will leave behind a legacy of case studies for students of abnormal psychology.”
Al Stefanelli
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