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Alain Daniélou

Alain Daniélou :

1935-1948, études du sanskrit, philosophie, théologie, musique dans les écoles traditionnelles hindoues à Bénarès ;

1948-1954, professeur à l'université hindoue de Bénarès ;

1954 1956, directeur de la bibliothèque de manuscrits et des éditions sanskrites d'Adyar à Madras;

1956-1963, membre de l'Institut français d'indologie et de l'Ecole française d'Extrême-Orient ;

1963-1977, directeur de l'Institut international d'études comparatives de la musique à Berlin et Venise.

“In Shivaite tradition, the god's companions are described as a troupe of freakish, adventurous, delinquent and wild young people, who prowl in the night, shouting in the storm, singing, dancing and ceaselessly playing outrageous tricks on sages and gods. They are called Ganas, the "Vagabonds", corresponding to the Cretan Korybantes and the Celtic Korrigans (fairies' sons). Like the Sileni and Satyrs, some of them have goats' or birds' feet. The Ganas mock the rules of ethics and social order. They personify the joy of living, courage and imagination, which are all youthful values. They live in harmony with nature and oppose the destructive ambition of the city and the deceitful moralism which both hides and expresses it. These delinquents of heaven are always there to restore true values and to assist the "god-mad" who are persecuted and mocked by the powerful. They personify everything which is feared by and displeases bourgeois society, and which is contrary to the good morale of a well-policed city and its palliative concepts.”
Alain Daniélou
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“The faithful of Shiva or Dionysus seek contact with those forces which...lead to a refusal of the politics, ambitions and limitations of ordinary social life. This does not involve simply a recognition of world harmony, but also an active participation in an experience which surpasses and upsets the order of material life.”
Alain Daniélou
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