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Alan E. Nelson

Alan E. Nelson, Ed.D., is a social entrepreneur, professor, and young leader expert, who lives near Los Angeles, California. He has a graduate degree in psychology-communication and doctorate in leadership (University of San Diego). As an adjunct professor at USC Marshall School of Business, the Naval Postgraduate School, and Pepperdine University, he teaches leadership, org behavior and change, and related topics.

At midlife, Alan came to the conclusion that the best leadership development is used on adults, after they're set in their ways. He began his pioneering work on identifying and developing 10-18 year olds, gifted in leadership. "The goal is to get to leaders while they're moldable, not moldy," Nelson quips. He is the founder of LeadYoung Training Systems ( and KidLead Inc. (a non-profit).

Dr. Nelson is the author of 20 books, over 200 articles, and 150 hours of young leader training curricula. He's a corporate trainer and keynoter, focusing on an array of topics, usually related to his writings. He lives with his wife of 36 years, Nancy, in Thousand Oaks, CA.

“Take the plunge. Jump in. Make friends and be vulnerable. Life is too short to alienate yourself.”
Alan E. Nelson
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“Do not buy into the idea that you have to keep relocating to accomplish your dreams in life.”
Alan E. Nelson
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“Far too often we lose patience with the process and quit too soon, missing out on what we could have gained.”
Alan E. Nelson
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“We've all been there, that deserted island called regret.”
Alan E. Nelson
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“Imagine that your mouth is a water spout. When you open the valve (speak), whatever comes out is an indicator of what's inside of you.”
Alan E. Nelson
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“By turning back on verbal littering, you are suggesting that it's okay to junk the world.”
Alan E. Nelson
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“Everytime you make a copy of the copy, you lose clarity.”
Alan E. Nelson
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“Words have a way of coming back to haunt us.”
Alan E. Nelson
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“Getting to the root of a matter is key.”
Alan E. Nelson
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“We need others to fulfill things in us that cannot.happen solo.”
Alan E. Nelson
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“Know what you are talking about.”
Alan E. Nelson
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“No one has a gun to your head. You are the primary agenda-setter in your life.”
Alan E. Nelson
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“When you are a happy person, you'll influence others to behave positively toward you.”
Alan E. Nelson
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“The more people respond positively to you, the easier it is to maintain a good attitude and joyful outlook.”
Alan E. Nelson
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“How we see ourselves and what we base our worth on are primary motivators throughout life.”
Alan E. Nelson
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“We all hope for love, enjoy it and desire it, but expecting and demanding it of others fouls up a good relationship.”
Alan E. Nelson
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“In reality, we use our love to get the love we need.”
Alan E. Nelson
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“What you think of me is none of my business.”
Alan E. Nelson
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“Our tendency to point out the weaknesses of others is a way to avoid facing our own shortcomings and areas needing improvement.”
Alan E. Nelson
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“Who wants a friend who talks about you behind your back? How do I know I can trust you to say good things in my absence when I've seen you cut up a "friend" behind his or her back, only to smile and act endearing when the person unexpectedly appears?”
Alan E. Nelson
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“By pointing out the errors of others, we strive to elevate ourselves above them.”
Alan E. Nelson
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“We are much better able to evaluate someone else's behavior than we are our own.”
Alan E. Nelson
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