Alan Place photo

Alan Place

I was born in North Yorkshire, and the local area is the setting for my award-winning e-book "Chronicles of Mark Johnson."

In early 1963, we moved to the Bristol area, and I have lived here since then.

My latest book is called Aliyah; it is the story of a Jewish writer who returns to Israel to seek out the answers to question he got asked in a vision. Enroute, he meets and falls in love with another Jewish writer.

My big success is the sci-fi series This seven-book series has sold over 800 e-books during its four-year lifespan.

“You don't get the good shots sitting on your ass in the bad weather- Mark Johnson”
Alan Place
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“You rile this gal and she'll go wildcat on your ass. Patti (Pat) Canella- Dockland murders/Ghosts of your past.”
Alan Place
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