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Alan Share


Educated at Bede Grammar School, Sunderland and at Merton College, Oxford, after which he qualified as a barrister. Then a full, varied and interesting career before he retired, journeying from law to politics, and then to running a successful retailing company. He describes himself as a hybrid.GOVERNOR OF A SPECIAL SCHOOLFor over 17 years a governor of a special school in NE England, and chairman of governors for most of that time. He assisted its parents in their campaign to keep the school open.INVOLVED IN FURNITURE INDUSTRYTaking a view that life was always most interesting on the margins, he was active in his trade association, notably chairing an industry wide action group that introduced Qualitas Conciliation Service in the furniture and carpet industry.RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME &c.He has been for many years chairman of a residential care home in Newcastle, chairman of the Newcastle branch of the National Association of Decorative and Fine Arts Societies, and a member of his local Rotary Club.ENJOYING LIFE AND NEVER BORED

Travels widely, enjoys music, reading and the arts, and is never, ever bored.WIFE, ROS, WHO CARESHis wife Ros also had an interest in helping the disabled. She assisted some of the pupils at the same special school with their reading. She also studied law at the then Newcastle Polytechnic, and used it to become a tribunal worker for a local CAB. Besides that she adjudicated at Social Security and Disability Appeal Tribunals in nearby towns.WEBSITE

You can visit and read his Blog for other thoughts from the outside, looking in.

“The Grand Mistake in Education - To think that what's right for you is right for everyone. IT AIN'T. The Fly in this Ointment! via @youtube”
Alan Share
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“Sometimes Equality is absolutely right but at other times it is totally wrong. Sometimes people are neither equal nor unequal. They are just different, and they have very diverse needs.”
Alan Share
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