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Albert Borris

“Owen: depressed people don't have the energy to kill themselves. that's what mr clark saidOwen: he said it's not when people are depressed that you have to worry about them. it's when someone depressed suddenly has energy. that means they decided to kill themselves. to actOwen: and that makes them happy”
Albert Borris
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“I wonder if it will rain after we die. When you kill yourself, you don't know what happens next, afterward.”
Albert Borris
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“I imagine that she's looking at the stars and thinking about how small and insignificant we are down here. We're little ants on a pebble, hurtling through space.”
Albert Borris
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“One of the things that therapists do if you are suicidal, like a trick, is ask you about the future. They want to know what your plans are. Do you want to be the president? Do you want to be a rock star? They want to know if you want to live later even if you want to die now.”
Albert Borris
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“I can feel the hurt. There's something good about it. Mostly it makes me stop remembering.”
Albert Borris
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“Real self-worth comes from mastery, from getting good at something. It doesn't matter what. Then you don't have to worry about empty compliments. You don't worry about what other people think. You have self-respect.”
Albert Borris
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“They say that if you really want to kill yourself, no one can stop you. There are too many ways to do it. You can jump off a bridge or a building. You can hang yourself. You can crash a car or slit your wrists or swim out really far into the ocean until you drown. Sometimes I wonder why I'm not dead, if I really wanted to kill myself.”
Albert Borris
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“When Sherri asks questions about who would find me if I killed myself and what their reaction would be, I think that whoever knew me would be sad. But then everybody would get over it. I would fade away. I don't think I'm that important to anyone. Nobody's opinion about me killing myself would stop me from doing it.”
Albert Borris
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“When you attempt suicide, the counselors try to talk you out of trying it again by asking you about other people, which is good prevention if you care about other people.”
Albert Borris
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“I've been asked by lots of people, "What happens if you do kill yourself?" They want to know about what it would be like for other people around you, like the person who would find your body, the other kids at school, whoever would have to clean up the blood, what your family holidays would be like.”
Albert Borris
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“I suppose it doesn't matter what form love takes, maybe you just need to take it when it comes.”
Albert Borris
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“Immagino che non sia importante quali forme prenda l'amore; forse abbiamo solo bisogno di accettarlo per come viene".”
Albert Borris
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“He said if you do what you have to do today, all the tomorrows have a way of working things out by themselves.”
Albert Borris
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“My Top Ten Reasons To Live10. Stars in a really dark sky9. Driving across the country8. Nirvana7. My mom6. Our dog pack5. Gay bingo4. Mud fights3. Kissing2. Magic marker tattoos1. Pink socks”
Albert Borris
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“Suddenly I grasped what was happening- they were all trying to save me. I never thought I was worth saving.”
Albert Borris
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“You okay?"Just waiting for the water to boil. Burning shower. One of the only things that helps when I'm totally freaking out."I'm not sure how to respond. "So," I whisper, "you want anything?"Yeah," She replies, sarcastic "I want to be bulimic, but the vomit grosses me out.”
Albert Borris
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“But when you live, that's when you have to think about tomorrow and the next day. ”
Albert Borris
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“I just want to be happy. I want to feel better.”
Albert Borris
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“He said something I remember very clearly. "Self esteem is overrated. Anyone will think they color great if enough people tell them. Artificial praise. Down inside, compliments like that are hollow.”
Albert Borris
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“I know why you picked her," Frank says, still sitting on the grass. "She's like you, sort of. A writer. Unhappy. Wishing she had someone who understood her. That's what killed her- being lonely.”
Albert Borris
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“Look at that grave.... Think anyone comes to visit that person?""Probably not," says Frank."What's the point in having a gravestone then?" asks Audrey.”
Albert Borris
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“the truth will set u free but first it will piss u off”
Albert Borris
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