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Aleatha Romig

Aleatha Romig is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author who lives in Indiana, USA. She grew up in Mishawaka, graduated from Indiana University, and is currently living south of Indianapolis, USA. Before she became a full-time author, she worked days as a dental hygienist and spent her nights writing. Now, when she's not imagining mind-blowing twists and turns, she likes to spend her time with her friends and family, including her beloved grandchildren.

Aleatha released her first novel, CONSEQUENCES, in August of 2011. CONSEQUENCES became a bestselling series with five novels and two companions released from 2011 through 2015. The compelling and epic story of Anthony and Claire Rawlings has graced more than a million e-readers. Her next series, INFIDELITY (not about cheating) hit New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today best-seller lists. Aleatha has since released over fifty novels in multiple genres: dark romance, romantic suspense, thriller, and romantic comedy. She went back to her edge of your seat romantic suspense thrillers with her WEB SERIES trilogies, Devil’s Duet, Kingdom Come, and most recently with her suspense series, the Sin series, ready to binge.

The titles keep coming. Be sure to check out her website to stay up to date.

Aleatha is a "Published Author's Network" member of the Romance Writers of America, NINC, and PEN America. She is represented by Danielle Sanchez of SBR Media and PR with Wildfire Marketing.

“It is not the circumstances that make a person a success. It is how that person responds to those circumstances”
Aleatha Romig
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“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.― Maya Angelou”
Aleatha Romig
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“Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it.   —Bill Crosby”
Aleatha Romig
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“Actions have consequences, I have told you that. Why is that difficult for you to understand?”
Aleatha Romig
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“He recognized the difference in her touch.Looking down into her green eyes, he said, “I need to keep working.”“No, Claire, I need to keep working to be a man you are proud to be married to.”
Aleatha Romig
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“She put her arms around his waist and looked up at his face. “I did? What did I take?”He bent down to kiss her. She stood to meethim halfway. His lips softly touched her lips and her neck as his hands became tangled in her hair.“I believe it was my heart.”
Aleatha Romig
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“God help me, I do care about you.” Gently hugging her against his chest, he tenderly moved her hair away from her angelic face. Seeing her sleep, peaceful and trusting, his thoughts of wakingher for his desires were quickly replaced.”
Aleatha Romig
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“This was wrong. Tony didn’t want to have feelings. The sex was great. It was okay to want her, dominate her, and control her. It was not okay to want to be with her, please her, and love her. Yet every one of his senses desired Claire.”
Aleatha Romig
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“I know you enjoy coffee, I´d offer you some. But, the last time I got you coffee, it didn´t work out so well for me."Tony smirked, "God, Claire you´re something else. I can´t imagine anyone else joking about that.""Well, see, you misinterpreted. I wasn´t joking. I´m actually still pissed as hell.”
Aleatha Romig
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“Mr. Rawlings is a man of his word. The problem was, he made two different promises and he felt honored to keep them both. He hoped that by fulfilling one, in a different than expected way, he may have the chance to rectify the other.”
Aleatha Romig
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“First, you're sorry for invading my privacy for years, years before I even knew you existed. Second, you're sorry for kidnapping me, isolating, controlling me, and manipulating me. Third, you're sorry for lying to me, pretending you cared and oh yearh, marrying me. Fourth, listen carefully Tony, this is the big're sorry for framing me for attempted murder, resulting in incarceration in a federal penitentiary.""I am deeply sorry for one and four. I did provide you with an alternative destination for number four. I am not proud of two, but three would never have happened without it. I am not, and never will be sorry for three. And, for the record, I never lied about or pretended to love you. I didn't realize it at first, but I have loved you since before you knew my name. And, you forgot our divorce. I am sincerely sorry for that also.”
Aleatha Romig
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“Each thought was epic yet minuscule.”
Aleatha Romig
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“You're right. Your decietfulness far exceeds my modest attempts at dishonesty. I bow-down to your superior duplicity.”
Aleatha Romig
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“It has been said, people drawn to law enforcement have a sixth sense, an ability to see what others do not. He prayed he was wrong. His sixth sense said there was much more than a broken heart in Claire's past.”
Aleatha Romig
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“Life is not what it's supposed to be. It's what it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.”
Aleatha Romig
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“Childhood was the past. It couldn't be changed, only remembered.”
Aleatha Romig
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“We shall draw from the heart of suffering itself the means of inspiration and survival.-Sir Winston Churchill”
Aleatha Romig
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“A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future and accepts you for who you are today.”
Aleatha Romig
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“In their figurative game of chess, Anthony Rawlings had Claire in check. Every move she made, he countered.”
Aleatha Romig
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“God she hated the dance. A blow to the cheek one minute and discussing a romantic getaway the next. It was the one step forward, two steps back waltz. She wanted to scream. Sitting on the side of the bed, Claire allowed herself tears and swallowed”
Aleatha Romig
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“He spoke again as if he hadn’t just shattered his promise and her security. Her house of glass now lay in a pile of shards.”
Aleatha Romig
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“She sat back down, arms once again crossed over her breasts. It was the most direct she’d ever spoken to him, and it felt liberating. Unfortunately, the resentment coursing through her veins wouldn’t allow her to relish her new found independence. She expected her words to incite anger; after all, she’d experienced his anger before. Nevertheless, carelessly and unapologetically Claire forged ahead, “I would prefer the words, but you are welcome to say, one through four, if that’s easier for you.”
Aleatha Romig
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“Tony poured wine into each glass and handed one to Claire. “Do you remember when we had wine at the Red Wing?”Claire closed her eyes, recalling the scene from a lifetime ago, and nodded. “I do.”“I’d been watching you for years. I was so nervous that night. I thought I was planning your acquisition.” He looked into his red liquid. Her stance straightened, “If you’re using business metaphors, may I suggest hostile takeover. It’s more appropriate.”
Aleatha Romig
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“Perhaps the rest of the world was gone. It was the most plausible answer. Heaven knows she couldn’t see or think of anyone else. That must be the answer, they were the only two people left, as the Earth spun into a timeless abyss. Claire once read time doesn’t pass at normal speeds within a black hole. If one were to travel into a black hole for only moments and return again, centuries would have passed. That explained the sensation she felt, once again peering into his dark gaze. She wouldn’t look away; she’d trained herself better than that. Then again, she reasoned, it wasn’t an option. She couldn’t divert her gaze if she wanted. The hold upon her stare was stronger than any ropes or chains made by man. Claire knew from experience, submitting to the hold was her best chance at survival. Fighting was a futile waste of energy.”
Aleatha Romig
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“Claire to Tony: "I know you enjoy coffee, I'd offer you some. But, the last time I got you coffee, it didn't work out so well for me.”
Aleatha Romig
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“You don’t marry someone you can live with, you marry the person who you cannot live without.”
Aleatha Romig
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“Claire believed she was teetering literally on the edge of sanity. A strong wind was all it would take to blow her one way or the other. Iowa had its share of storms, strong winds and tornadoes, they were all unpredictable. It made an ironic parallel for her life.”
Aleatha Romig
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“It is your strength and determination that have infuriated me. That strength and resilience has also made me fall in love with you.”
Aleatha Romig
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“I want you to make me a promise. A promise, that you will do your best to follow my rules. That you will do your best – to never give me cause to hurt you again.”
Aleatha Romig
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“Claire knew she was in control of her actions, she could choose to fight or complain. Her plan was for self-preservation until she was free. This had been a good old-fashioned thunderstorm, loud and boisterous but no real damage.”
Aleatha Romig
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“Tony squeezed her hand and whispered, “It’s as beautiful as I remember.”“Have you been here – recently?”“No, I’d be lost without you.”
Aleatha Romig
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“No matter how much he loved her ... his need to fulfill his promise to Nathaniel would always prevail.”
Aleatha Romig
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“Tony lifted his glass and proposed a toast, “To you, the only person in this world, who can keep me on my toes.”Claire held her glass.”
Aleatha Romig
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“I have made some bad decisions… and done some things I regret in my life… but without a doubt… what I regret the most… is divorcing you. If you tell me there is hope, that one day you’ll be Mrs. Rawlings again, I will wait.”
Aleatha Romig
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“It’s documented, when a person is forbidden something, once it’s available, they tend to overindulge.”Tony met her gaze, his tone a sultry melody, “Before it is made available, a person may dream of it, long for it, and fantasize about it. Especially if they once had it and know how amazing it is.”
Aleatha Romig
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“s they sat, him on the sofa and her in a chair, she added, “I know you enjoy coffee, I’d offer you some. But, the last time I got you coffee, it didn’t work out so well for me.”Tony smirked, “God, Claire you’re something else. I can’t imagine anyone else joking about that.”
Aleatha Romig
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“Mr Anthony Rawlings had a lesson to learn and Claire claimed the role as teacher.”
Aleatha Romig
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“...His words were barely audible. That was all right; they weren’t intended for anyone except the woman who wasn’t there. “I’m so sorry... for everything... why? ... why did you leave me?” As the tears coated his cheeks he told himself, Anthony Rawlings doesn’t cry. He doesn’t apologize, and he doesn’t cry...”
Aleatha Romig
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“....For the first time in his life he’d dared to believe in happily-ever-after.He learned at a young age it was unattainable. Therefore, he’d never even tried... until Claire.”
Aleatha Romig
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“The heat of the summer transformed the green grass into long brown straw, only the weeds were green. Claire didn't mind, the weeds had pretty flowers. Unlike Tony's flowers, which had been sentenced to his yard, gardens, or clay pots, these flowers grew free wherever they wanted. Furthermore, weeds were survivors. When all else died, the weeds remained. Yes, Claire liked weeds.”
Aleatha Romig
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