Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin photo

Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin

Works of Russian writer Aleksandr Sergeyevich Pushkin include the verse novel

Eugene Onegin

(1831), the play

Boris Godunov

(1831), and many narrative and lyrical poems and short stories.

See also:

Russian: Александр Сергеевич Пушкин

French: Alexandre Pouchkine

Norwegian: Aleksander Pusjkin

Spanish:Aleksandr Pushkin

People consider this author the greatest poet and the founder of modern literature. Pushkin pioneered the use of vernacular speech in his poems, creating a style of storytelling—mixing drama, romance, and satire—associated ever with greatly influential later literature.

Pushkin published his first poem at the age of 15 years in 1814, and the literary establishment widely recognized him before the time of his graduation from the imperial lyceum in Tsarskoe Selo. Social reform gradually committed Pushkin, who emerged as a spokesman for literary radicals and in the early 1820s clashed with the government, which sent him into exile in southern Russia. Under the strict surveillance of government censors and unable to travel or publish at will, he wrote his most famous drama but ably published it not until years later. People published his verse serially from 1825 to 1832.

Pushkin and his wife Natalya Goncharova, whom he married in 1831, later became regulars of court society. In 1837, while falling into ever greater debt amidst rumors that his wife started conducting a scandalous affair, Pushkin challenged her alleged lover, Georges d'Anthès, to a duel. Pushkin was mortally wounded and died two days later.

Because of his liberal political views and influence on generations of Russian rebels, Pushkin was portrayed by Bolsheviks as an opponent to bourgeois literature and culture and a predecessor of Soviet literature and poetry. Tsarskoe Selo was renamed after him.

“Ljubav je kapljica nebeske rose koju nebesa kanuše u kaljužu života da mu zaslade gorkost.”
Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin
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“Play interests me very much," said Hermann: "but I am not in the position to sacrifice the necessary in the hope of winning the superfluous.”
Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin
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“I've lived to bury my desiresand see my dreams corrode with rustnow all that's left are fruitless firesthat burn my empty heart to dust.Struck by the clouds of cruel fateMy crown of Summer bloom is sereAlone and sad, I watch and waitAnd wonder if the end is near.As conquered by the last cold airWhen Winter whistles in the windAlone upon a branch that's bareA trembling leaf is left behind.”
Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin
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