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Alessandro Boffa

Alessandro Boffa was born in Moscow. He worked as a biologist in Italy, lives in Thailand and Rome. "You're an animal, Viskovitz" is his first book. It has achieved great success in Italy and around the globe. It has been translated to over twenty languages. More about this book and his opinion on writing it, you can find here.

“So there we were on that ice floe, just the two of us, adrift in the polar night. Viskovitz turned and said, "I'd like you to get our conversation down in black and white." "It's not possible," I answered. "I'm not a typist. I'm not a writer. I'm a penguin. As far as I'm concerned 'getting it down in black and white' means making more penguins." So instead, there I was a month later, standing still with an egg under my belly, remembering... I was the one who had brought up the subject.”
Alessandro Boffa
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