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Alessandro Manzoni

The Betrothed

(1825-1827), novel of Italian writer Alessandro Manzoni, greatly influenced fiction and served as the basis for several operas and films.

Work of this famous poet generally ranks among the masterpieces of world literature. This fundamental milestone in the development of the modern, unified language also symbolized the Risorgimento for its patriotic message.

“They settled the question, by deciding that misfortunes most commonly happen to us from our own misconduct or imprudence; but sometimes from causes independent of ourselves; that the most innocent and prudent conduct cannot always preserve us from them; and that, whether they arise from our own fault or not, trust in God softens them, and renders them useful in preparing us for a better life.”
Alessandro Manzoni
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“Bullies, oppressors and all men who do violence to the rights of others are guilty not only of their own crimes, but also of the corruption they bring into the hearts of their victims.”
Alessandro Manzoni
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“Amor tremendo è il mio. Tu nol conosci ancora, oh!.Tutto ancora non tel mostrai; tu eri mio: secura nel mio gaudio io tacea; nè tutto mai questo labbro pudico osato avria dirti l'ebbrezza del mio cor segreto""Sparsa le trecce morbide sull'affannoso petto, lenta le palme, e rorido di morte il bianco aspetto, giace la pia, col tremolo sguardo cercando il ciel".”
Alessandro Manzoni
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“I would really like, in fact, to be born again in another two hundred years' time.”
Alessandro Manzoni
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“Certainly the heart has always something to tell about the future to those who listen to it. But what does the heart know? Scarce a little of what has already happened. ”
Alessandro Manzoni
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