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Alex Collier

Alex Collier (real name Ralph Amigron) is one of the most well-known people to come into contact with an alien race known as the Andromedans. Collier’s experiences interacting with this alien race have been hugely helpful in showing the rest of the world that extraterrestrials do exist and that their technology is far more advanced than our own. Collier’s interactions also blew the lid off the secret alien race that is currently controlling the planet, known as “regressive ETs.” Collier worked as an undercover informant for the CIA, and he also investigated plenty of cases that involved extraterrestrials. Ever since first talking about his encounters with aliens, Collier has been under extreme surveillance by the government, and many people see to discredit him and his observations. what Collier has to say stretches far beyond some minor conspiracy theory: his observations have blown the lid off of the worldwide conspiracy about the reptilian aliens who secretly rule us.

“The love that you withhold is the pain that you carry lifetime after lifetime.”
Alex Collier
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