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Alex Flinn

Love Jacaranda is out in the world! Hope you'll check out this fun wish-fulfillment romance!

Now, bio:

I grew up on a street called Salem Court. This probably influenced my interest in witches. When I was five, my mom said I should be an author. And when I was eight, I got my first rejection letter from Highlights Magazine.

I learned to read early. But I compensated for this early proficiency by absolutely refusing to read the programmed readers required by the school system -- workbooks where you read the story, then answered the questions. When the other kids were on Book 20, I was on Book 1! My teacher, Mrs. Zeiser, told my mother, "Alexandra marches to her own drummer." I don't think that was supposed to be a compliment.

My family moved to Miami when I was in middle school. I had a really hard time making friends, so I spent a lot of time reading and writing then. By high school, I'd made some friends and gotten involved in various "gifted and talented" performing arts programs. I studied opera in college (I'm a coloratura -- the really loud, high-pitched sopranos.) and then went to law school.

It was law school that probably helped with my first novel. Breathing Underwater deals with the serious and all-too-common problem of dating violence. I based the book on my experiences interning with the State Attorney's Office and volunteering with battered women. I thought this was a really important topic, as 27 percent of teenage girls surveyed have been hit by a boyfriend. I'm happy that the book is so popular, and if you are reading this bio because the book was assigned for school, I'm happy about that too.

I think I write for young-adults because I never quite got over being one. In my mind, I am still 13-years-old, running laps on the athletic field, wearing this really baggy white gymsuit. I’m continually amazed at the idea that I have a checking account and a mortgage. So I try to write books that gymsuit girl might enjoy. It’s a way of going back to being thirteen . . . knowing what I know now.

Right now, I live half a mile away from my old middle school, in Palmetto Bay, a suburb of Miami, with my husband, daughters, dogs, and cats.

“Shakespeare's great."Duh. Shakespeare's cool, man.”
Alex Flinn
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“Having a Coke with Youis even more fun than going to San Sebastian, Irún, Hendaye, Biarritz, Bayonneor being sick to my stomach on the Travesera de Gracia in Barcelonapartly because in your orange shirt you look like a better happier St. Sebastianpartly because of my love for you, partly because of your love for yoghurtpartly because of the fluorescent orange tulips around the birchespartly because of the secrecy our smiles take on before people and statuaryit is hard to believe when I’m with you that there can be anything as stillas solemn as unpleasantly definitive as statuary when right in front of itin the warm New York 4 o’clock light we are drifting back and forthbetween each other like a tree breathing through its spectaclesand the portrait show seems to have no faces in it at all, just paintyou suddenly wonder why in the world anyone ever did themI lookat you and I would rather look at you than all the portraits in the worldexcept possibly for the Polish Rider occasionally and anyway it’s in the Frickwhich thank heavens you haven’t gone to yet so we can go together the first timeand the fact that you move so beautifully more or less takes care of Futurismjust as at home I never think of the Nude Descending a Staircase orat a rehearsal a single drawing of Leonardo or Michelangelo that used to wow meand what good does all the research of the Impressionists do themwhen they never got the right person to stand near the tree when the sun sankor for that matter Marino Marini when he didn’t pick the rider as carefullyas the horseit seems they were all cheated of some marvelous experiencewhich is not going to go wasted on me which is why I am telling you about it.”
Alex Flinn
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“Love is Never Ugly”
Alex Flinn
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“A shoe that fits one person pinches another.”
Alex Flinn
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“A memory came to me. One time, in middle school, a famous author came to talk to our class and give a writing workshop. One of the things she told us about writing a novel was that the story should be about what the main character wants. Dorothy wants to go home to Kansas. George Milton wants a farm of his own. Amelia Sedley wants to marry her darling George and live happily ever after. The end of the story, according to the famous author, is when the character either gests what he wants or realizes he’s never going to get it. Or sometimes, she said, like Scarlett O’Hara in Gone With the Wind, realizes she doesn’t actually want what she thought she wanted all along. pg. 324 of Bewitching”
Alex Flinn
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“If I didn't believe, there would be nothing left.”
Alex Flinn
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“Only when I heard her bedroom door open and close did I give in to my beast instincts and do a wild animal dance around the room.”
Alex Flinn
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“Retribution. Poetic justice. Just deserts. Comeuppance.”
Alex Flinn
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“Who or what is an Ipod?”
Alex Flinn
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“When you’ve found out that the person you love loves you, you can’tdelay. You have to hurry.”
Alex Flinn
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“I am a princess. I do not follow fashions--I make them.”
Alex Flinn
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“Now that all the beauty of my old life is gone, I crave it like good. A beautiful thing like this rose: I almost want to eat it, to swallow it whole to replace the beauty I've lost.”
Alex Flinn
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“Meg makes a face and lays her hand on my arm. "And why, exactly, would John want to see Eurotrash?""Hello?" Ryan says. "Because he's a seventeen-year old guy with normal male urges, and she's got-" He holds both hands out from his chest."Really pretty eyes," I complete his sentence.”
Alex Flinn
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“She leans against me, head against my shoulders, and in that second, I know, against the lights and the bright and the heat and the gray, I really want to kiss her.”
Alex Flinn
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“Love does not forget!”
Alex Flinn
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“Seem like a lot of people wear shoes they can't walk in.”
Alex Flinn
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“- It's been going so well. We have a wonderful time in class, and I can feel the chemistry between you.- That's because it's chemistry class.”
Alex Flinn
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“This isn't a fairy tale. It's New York City.”
Alex Flinn
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“It's strange though. People make such a big deal about looks, but after a while, when you know someone, you don't even notice anymore, do you? It's just the way they look.”
Alex Flinn
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“Through her jacket, I could feel her heartbeat. It made me happy to know she was alive, was real, was there.”
Alex Flinn
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“That night I lay in bed, remembering the moment when her hand touched mine. I wondered what it would be like to have her touch me not by accident, to maybe have her let me touch her.”
Alex Flinn
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“I believed she'd gotten past ther hatred of me, turning to pity instead. But how could I make that into love?”
Alex Flinn
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“But Adrian, sometimes it's nice to let her be smart too.”
Alex Flinn
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“I wouldn't have done it, but it scared me that I thought of it at all. I scared me.”
Alex Flinn
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“I took a punch at one of the rosebushes. It got its revenge by stabbing me in the hand.”
Alex Flinn
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“Of course, maybe I'd end up like one of those crazy old people with, like, sixty cats. And one day, the neighbors would complain about the smell, and it would turn out I'd died and the cats had eaten me.Still, it might be nice to have a cat.”
Alex Flinn
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“What happened December 12?” Polyester asks.I look at the wall, my attention suddenly riveted by a palmetto bug, feelers writhing. I could kill it if I wanted.He hit me.”The bug slides to the floor.”
Alex Flinn
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“those who do not know how to see the precious things in life will never be happy.”
Alex Flinn
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“sono pecore,che seguono il gregge. Votano per persne cosiddette popolari perchè è facile. La bellezza esteriore: capelli biondi,occhi azzurri" - mi stava guardando - " è sempre facile riconoscerla. Ma se qualcuno è coraggioso, forte, in gamba, è difficile vederlo”
Alex Flinn
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“A single white roes goes with everything, doesn´t it, and it symbolizes purity.”
Alex Flinn
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“...if there´s a beast,maybe he´s just a regular guy with a sin conditon or something. Maybe he just needs some understanding. Maybe we judge people to much by their looks because it´s easier than seeing what´s really important.”
Alex Flinn
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“People make such a big deal about looks, but after a while, when you know someone, you don´t even notice anymore...”
Alex Flinn
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“He bursts into tears, and not some manlike tears either, where you pretend you're brushing something off your face and, incidentally, wipe a tear. Nope. He starts bawling like a kid who spilled his Slushie...”
Alex Flinn
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“Like me, she has scruples. Why is it that only people with money have scruples? Do we have no money BECAUSE we have scruples?”
Alex Flinn
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“It hurts too much so I don't want to talk about it.”
Alex Flinn
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“What? Listen,you..."And then, strangely enough, she calls me a female dog.”
Alex Flinn
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“That's what true love should be like-the person should be part of your soul and you should know what they're feeling all the time.”
Alex Flinn
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“I love you, I thought. But I didn’t say it. It was not that I feared she would laugh in my face. She was far too kind for that. My fear was a greater one— that she won’t say it back.”
Alex Flinn
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“Surface beauty: blond hair, blue eyes" - she was looking at me - "is always easy to recognize. But if someone is braver, stronger, smarter, that's harder to see." - Kendra Hilferty”
Alex Flinn
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“Maybe we judge people too much by their looks because it's easier than seeing what's really important.”
Alex Flinn
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“Magic. It was magic, and the magic is called love.”
Alex Flinn
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“wow hav u read beastly its really awesome i mean u wont want 2 put it down ever”
Alex Flinn
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“Everyone can use a little beauty.”
Alex Flinn
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“Better?" I went from holding her hand to hugging her. "Lindy, you loved me when I wasn't even human.You kissed me when I had no lips. You saw what was deep down inside me when I wasn't even sureabout it myself. Believe me, there's no way I could do better. I think you're perfect.”
Alex Flinn
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“Mr. Anderson:Well, maybe we all should call it a night. Congrats to the happy couples. Will there be wedding bells soon?SnowGirl:Definitely. I mean, if you help a guy kill a dwarf, he should marry you.”
Alex Flinn
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“She wanted to leave. I loved her too much to make her stay.”
Alex Flinn
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“Trust me?" I held my breath for her answer. She had every reason not to trust me. I'd been her kidnapper, her captor, yet I'd rather have died than hurt a single hair on her head.”
Alex Flinn
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“I'm here, my love,"...”
Alex Flinn
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“Who dares disturb my roses?"Why did I say that”
Alex Flinn
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“What are you, in love with her?" Travis says. "You're staring like an idiot."The weird thing is, I think I am.”
Alex Flinn
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