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Alex Harris

“What is possible when a generation stops assuming that someone else will take care of the brokenness in the world - or that someone else will capitalize on current opportunities - and realizes that they are called to take action?”
Alex Harris
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“Unfortunately we often get praise for things that weren't particularly difficult to achieve. If we focus on the props and encouragement of those who have low expectations for us, we become mediocre. It can be challenging to set our sights on excellence, particularly when we're hearing that we're already there. One of life's greatest lessons, which we all must learn, could be expressed in the phrase "That was nothing. Watch this." Challenge yourself and others to call the normal things normal and save that word excellent for things that really are.”
Alex Harris
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“God set His standards this high so that we won't make the mistake of aiming low. He made them unreachable so that we would never have the excuse to stop growing.”
Alex Harris
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“Being faithful in the smallest things is the way to gain, maintain, and demonstrate the strength needed to accomplish something great.”
Alex Harris
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“We're called to be faithful, to take those first difficult steps--and to leave the results up to God.”
Alex Harris
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