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Alex Potvin

Alex made his name and managed to finagle a few beers out of fans by penning a long running comic strip about the life and times during college of him, his friends, and his beloved girlfriend Becky. When college ended, he made the stumblingly awkward transition to more mainstream writing endeavors like zombie books and possibly fortune cookies. Eventually he hopes to get his church of Cthulhu off the ground, literally, as it is an airship constructed from a single wide trailer and Thanksgiving parade floats. In the writing shared (unequally) between him and the aforementioned beloved girlfriend, his sections tend to be the subjectively more funny ones and/or the action sequences.

“People don’t always value life, even their own, as much as they should.”
Alex Potvin
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“There’s pretty much no way for me to answer that without sounding like an asshole, so maybe you could do me a solid and not make me.”
Alex Potvin
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“I would have grown up to be a gentleman adventurer if I were more of a gentleman.”
Alex Potvin
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