Alex Rogers is a young visionary who has touched the lives of many through his writings. Alex is most recognized from his debut book series, The Empowerment Series, in which Alex shares his thoughts on various issues that affect young adults on a daily basis through the re-telling of his own personal experiences. Topics of the series include: bullying, self-esteem, stereotypes, finding your identity, and many more. Alex's goal for the series is to empower the reader to find insight and direction in life's many ordeals.
Currently, Alex can be found speaking at schools about the topics covered in his debut book, I'm Only Human After All, which focuses on Alex's personal experiences with bullying and self-esteem. Just recently, Alex was featured in a documentary produced by FireCrackerFilms and aired by MTV International, titled Bullied, which featured both him and other young adults around the world sharing their views on bullying.
“So many people die with their dreams in their hands.”
“New beginnings always had something special—starting at the bottom and making it to the top produced something magical. When you reach your destination, your goal, that’s when it really hits home. Maybe that’s why I felt the way I did. I knew I was just a kid, but eventually I’d become something much more. Eventually I’d be at the top. Someday.”
“Purpose is the great divider that separates those who are simply living, from those who are truly alive.”
“Too many people out there tell us what we can and cannot do but…they don’t know who we are, what’s put in us.”
“You'll only go as far as you're willing to travel.”
“Life is a constellation, the individual moments in our lives seem so pointless sometimes; but when you look at the whole picture, you can see that those little moments formed memories.”