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Alex Van Tol

I'm the author of 13 YA and middle grade books. When I'm not writing, I travel to schools to speak with groups of students. I love visiting schools!

I also work as a full-time freelance writer, creating stories and articles for universities, government organizations, magazines and more.

A few random facts:

* The most I've ever written in a single day is 14,000 words. That was a very, very long day.

* I print. I don't use handwriting.

* I like cats and horses. I used to work as a wrangler on an Alberta ranch.

* Stephen King was my favourite writer growing up.

* Small spaces worry me. You won't find me wiggling through caves on my tummy anytime soon.

* My favourite authors are Jonathan Franzen, Cormac McCarthy, Paulo Coelho, Amy Tan, JK Rowling and Jeff Kinney.

“A misshapen grin twists his ruined face, and my gut knots with a sudden rush of adrenaline. "Seems like Jilly Bean's gotten herself into a whole lot of trouble," he says. Except, without his teeth, it comes out: Theemth like Zilly beanth gotten herthelf into a whole lot of twouble. I bite my lips against a sudden smile.”
Alex Van Tol
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“I've never heard myself scream before. Not like this.”
Alex Van Tol
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