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Alexander Herzen

Alexander Ivanovich Herzen (Russian: Александр Иванович Герцен) was a Russian pro-Western writer and thinker known as the "father of Russian socialism", and one of the main fathers of agrarian populism (being an ideological ancestor of the Narodniki, Socialist-Revolutionaries, Trudoviks and the agrarian American Populist Party). He is held responsible for creating a political climate leading to the emancipation of the serfs in 1861. His autobiography My Past and Thoughts, written with grace, energy, and ease, is often considered the best specimen of that genre in Russian literature. He also published the important social novel Who is to Blame? (1845–46).

“Където не е загинало словото, там и делото още не е загинало.”
Alexander Herzen
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“Olay, suçlu olanların açığa çıkarılamaması nedeniyle Allah'a, dosya ise halledilmiş sayılarak arşive havale edildi." (Herzen, Suçlu Kim?, Tutanak)”
Alexander Herzen
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“Dünyada herkesin ilk planda yer alması olanaksızdır ve buna gerek de yoktur. Bana sorarsan, herkes kendi çevreciğinde kendi işini yapmalı derim. İş her yerde vardır.. Çalışan insan, vakti geldiğinde son uykusuna rahat yatar ve rahat uyur. Ön plana çıkmak, toplumda ileri gelen biri olma konusunda duyduğumuz şiddetli arzu, bizim henüz olgunlaşmadığımızı gösteriyor kanımca, kısmen de kendimize saygısızlığımızı... Olgunlaşmamak ve kendine saygı duymamak, insanı dış koşullara bağımlı kılar." (Herzen, Suçlu Kim?, sf. 247)”
Alexander Herzen
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“In general modern man has no solutions”
Alexander Herzen
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“I believe in nothing here, except a handful of people, a few ideas, and the fact that one cannot arrest movement. ”
Alexander Herzen
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“Compassionate love may be strong. It sobs, it burns, then it wipes away its tears – and it does nothing.”
Alexander Herzen
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“What breadth, what beauty and power of human nature and development there must be in a woman to get over all palisades, all fences, within which she is held captive!”
Alexander Herzen
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