Alexander Solschenizyn photo

Alexander Solschenizyn

also known as

Alexander Solzenitsyn (English, alternate)

Αλεξάντρ Σολζενίτσιν (Greek)

Works, including

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

(1962) and

The Gulag Archipelago

(1973-1975), of Soviet writer and dissident Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn, awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1970, exposed the brutality of the labor camp system.

This known Russian novelist, dramatist, and historian best helped to make the world aware of the forced Gulag.

Exiled in 1974, he returned to Russia in 1994. Solzhenitsyn fathered of Ignat Solzhenitsyn, a conductor and pianist.

“But we don't pray for that, I pray that I may do the will of God here. Give us this day...”
Alexander Solschenizyn
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