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Alexandra Adornetto

Alexandra Emily Adornetto was born on the 18th of April 1992 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. She is the only child of an English Teacher and a Drama Teacher and attended, in her own words, "many" schools including MacRobertson Girls' High School, Ruyton Girls' School and Eltham College. She has loved stories for as long as she can remember. In 2006, she won the State Legacy Public Speaking competition. She began writing a Children's novel when she was only 13, inspired by J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan. At 14, she sold it to HarperCollins Publishers, that also bought the two next novels of The Strangest Adventures series. The Halo series is her first YA fantasy romance and marks her international debut. She relocated to Oxford, Mississippi, where she divided her time between the USA and Australia, while she studied and wrote. Now she lives in Hollywood, where she hopes to combine novel writing and acting as Alexandra Grace. Her passions include old-school country music, theology, singing and performing.

“How can the strength of one man stand against Jake and an army of demons?""He can," I countered, "if he has the power of Heaven on his side. After all, Christ was a man.""He was also the Son of God, there's a difference.""Do you think they could have crucified him if he wasn't human?" I asked. "He was flesh and blood, just like Xavier. You've been here so long you underestimate the power of humans. They're a force of nature.”
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“I hope the two of you will descend from your love bubble long enough to learn something today," he sniped cuttingly and the other kids snickered. Embarrassed, I ducked my head to avoid eye contact with them."It's all right, sir," Xavier replied. "The bubble's been engineered to allow us to learn from within it.”
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“There was nothing else to do but call upon the Creator,praying, begging, pleading, bargaining—anything to makehim protect Xavier. I couldn’t have him ripped away fromme like that. I could survive emotional turmoil; I couldsurvive the most intense physical torture. I could surviveArmageddon and holy fire raining down upon the earth, but Icould not survive without him.”
Alexandra Adornetto
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“― Why does toothpaste give me headache?”
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“Envy is a deadly sin!”
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“You want to marry me? I was thinking we’d start slow and see where things went, but hey, what the hell!""I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m crazy about you."“So you hadn’t noticed? That’s not a good thing—I’m going to have to be moredemonstrative in future.”“Beth . . . for so many guys sex is the only thing that keeps their relationships from falling apart, but we’re not like that. We have so much more. I’ve never discussed it with you because I’ve never felt that we needed to. I’m sure it would be amazing, but I love you for you, not for what you can offer me.”“Beth, I love you and nothing makes me happier than being close to you. You’re intoxicating.”“Because when I look at you, I see my whole world. I’m not about to walk away; I wouldn’t have anything left.”"The world could fall apart around me, and it wouldn’t matter if I had you.”“A man in love can do extraordinary things. I don’t care if you’re an angel, you’re my angel, and I won’t let you go.”
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“You've written three lines" "Three carefully considered lines,"Xavier objected. "Quality over quantity, remember”
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“Xavier: They, whoever they are, shouldn't have control over our lives. I'm not about to lose you. I've been through that before, and I'll do whatever it takes to make sure it doesn't happen again.”
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“Beth: "I don't think you realize what you're dealing with here. You can't just mess around with the forces of the universe!"Xavier: "What ever happened to free will? Or was that just a myth?”
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“Beth: "You're ridiculous."Xavier: "I think you mean irresistible." Beth: "Yes, ridiculously irresistible.”
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“Gabriel: Bethany lacks understanding about the ways of the world. She still has much to learn and that makes her vulnerable."Beth: "Do you have to make me sound like a full-time babysitting project?"Xavier: "I happen to be an experienced babysitter. I can show you my resume if you'd like.”
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“To anyone else, Xavier's use of the word angel would have sounded like nothing more than a lovesick teenager professing his admiration. Only the two of us knew differently and now we both shared a secret- that brought us closer than ever. It was as if we had just sealed the bond between us, closed the gap, and made it final.”
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“My girlfriend is an angel." -Xavier”
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“(Beth) "I don't care anymore." I turned my face up toward Heaven. "That's not my home anymore. You are.”
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“Find x if (x)=2sin3x,over the domain -2piX=Beth'Stop goofing around!',I said.'I'm not! I'm stating the truth.You're my solution to everything',Xavier replied. 'The end result is always you.X always equals Beth.”
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“When angels' tears do flood the earth, the gates of hell shall see rebirth. Wheh the demise of angels doth impend , the human boy shall meet his end' Halo -Alexandra Adornetto”
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“Its okay, Beth.I don't want my life to go back to the way it was before i met you.I thought i had it all,but really i was missing something. feel like a completely different person now.This might sound corny,but i feel like i've been asleep for a long time and you've just woken me up...”
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“To make one person the center of your world is bound to end in disaster. There are too many factors outside your control.”
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“Love you,” Xavier said just before he drifted back to sleep.“Love you more,” I said playfully.“Not a chance,” Xavier said, fully awake now. “I’m bigger, I can contain more love.”“I’m smaller, therefore my love particles are more compressed, which means I can fit more in.”Xavier laughed. “That argument makes no sense. Overruled.”“I’m just basing it on how much I miss you when you’re not around,” I countered.“How can you possibly know how much I miss you?” he said. “Have you got some sort of built-in miss-o-meter that can give us a reading?”“I’m a girl; of course I have a built-in miss-o-meter.”
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“She had the face of an angelI saw mirrors in her eyesWe were the same, she and IBoth bound by potent lies.In him I saw my futureIn him I saw my friendIn him I saw my destinyBoth my beginning and my end.”
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“But I was wrong. I should have known it wasn't owver, couldn't be over quite easily. No sooner was Xavier out of sight than a little cylinder of paper fell from the top of my locker. As I unrolled it, I knew I'd see black calligraphy crawling across it like a spider. Dread settled around me like a fog as the words burned into my brain: The Lake of Fire awaits my lady”
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“I have church on Sunday.”“Of course you do.”“You’re welcome to come along.”“Thanks, but I’m allergic to incense.”“That’s a shame.”“It’s the bane of my existence.”- Beth and Jake”
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“I honestly can’t tell you. We’ve never had a situation like this before, “I admitted.“So you being an angel doesn’t meam…” He hesitated.“Doesn’t mean I have an answer for everything,” I concluded for him.“I just assumed it would be one of the perks.”“Sadly, no.”
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“Actually Gabriel’s an archangel,” I corrected. “But otherwise, yes.”“Well, that explains why he’s so hard to impress,” said Xavier flippantly”
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“The remnants of my dress hung like tentacles and from my back arched a pari of towering wings, feather-light but suggesting enourmous power. My hair streamed behind me, and I knew that the ring of light around my head would be brighter than ever.“Holy crap!” Xavier blurted”
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“I'm a girl; of course I have a built-in miss-o-meter.”
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“I rolled my eyes."Be quiet or I'll be forced to flick you.""Ooh," he mocked. "The ultimate threat. I don't think I've ever been flicked before.”
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“The lake of fire awaits my lady”
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“Be quiet or I'll be forced to flick you.""Ooh," he mocked. "The ultimate threat. I don't think I've ever been flicked before.""Are you suggesting I can't hurt you?""On the contrary, I think you have the power to do great damage.”
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“Oh, man," Xavier groaned. "See what you've done--now I'm stressing.""You can't! You're the stable one!"Xavier laughed and I realized his distress had been feigned to illustrate a point. He wasn't worried in the slightest."Just relax. Go and run a bath or have a shot of brandy.""Okay.""That second bit was a joke. We both know you can't hold your liquor.”
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“If you're worried about safety, you might like to follow my example and put on that seat belt.""The what?"Xavier shook his head in disbelief."You worry me," he muttered.”
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“I suppose he'll just have to do," she amended. "You'll have to suffer in silence with your male model...I feel for you.""Oh, stop it, Molly.”
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“I'm getting a girlfriend soon," said Michael in a serious tone, and everyone laughed."You've got plenty of time for that, kiddo," said his father. "No need to rush.""Well, I don't want a boyfriend, Daddy," said Madeline. "Boys are dirty, and they make a mess when they eat.""I'd imagine the six-year-old ones would." Xavier chuckled. "But don't worry, they get better at it.”
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“Don't worry, Beth; there's nothing I love more than a challenge.”
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“Sit, Phantom!" Ivy cooed. "On your bottom!""Oh, for goodness' sake!" Gabriel put down his book and pointed a longer finger at Phantom. "Sit," he commanded in a deep voice. Phantom looked sheepish and sank straight to the floor.Ivy scowled in frustration. "I've been trying to get him to do that all day! What is it with dogs and male authority?”
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“I'm afraid that's inappropriate behavior for the schoolyard," Xavier teased. "I know my charm is hard to resist, but please tray and control yourself.”
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“There was that half-smirk again, playing around his lips, as if he was deciding whether the situation was amusing enough to warrant a full smile.”
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“Some say we can't choose who we fall in love with; love chooses us. Sometimes people fall for the complete antithesis of everything they believe they're looking for.”
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“I believe it stands for 'mother I'd like to...befriend,”
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“He called her a MILF, which must be offensive because Miss Castle called him a thug and sent hit out of the room. Gabe, what is a MILF?”- Bethany”
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“If you want me . . . you’ve got me.”
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“I prayed for all his dreams to come true. I prayed that I would always be able to connect with him--even if I was no longer on earth.”
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“Without complexity, there's no intensity.”
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“Just because I've walked into this crazy fantasy doesn't mean I can just abandon my other plans, much as I might want to.”
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“Be grateful for small mercies.”
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“Sometimes it's the little things that count most.”
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“Molly: So how do you think of Bryce Hamilton crowd so far? Boys hot enough for you?Bethany: I wouldn't say hot. Most of them seem to have a normal body temperature.”
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“That was one of the saddest things about people--their most important thoughts and feelings often went unspoken and barely understood.”
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“Fine - I said huffily. - But I hope I'm at least allowed to fly around the corridors during lunch hour.Gabriel threw me a disapproving look. I waited for him to get my joke, but his eyes remained serious. I sighed. Much as I loved him, Gabriel could be totally lacking in any sense of humor.”
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“Humans were so preoccupied with love. They were all desperate to form an attachment to one person they could refer to as their other half. It seemed from my reading of literature that being in love meant becoming the beloveds entire world. The rest of the universe paled into insignificance compared to the lovers. When they were separated, each fell into a melancholy state, and only when they were reunited did their hearts start beating again. Only when they were together could really see the colors of the world. When they were apart, that color leached away, leaving everything a hazy gray. I lay in bed, wondering about the intensity of this emotion that was so irrational and so irrefutably human. What if a persons face was so sacred to you it was permanently inscribed in your memory? What if their smell and touch were dearer to you than life itself?”
Alexandra Adornetto
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