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Alexandra Bullen

Oh, hello.

I’m Alexandra, and I write books for teenagers.

My first book, WISH, was published by Scholastic in January of 2010!

My second book, WISHFUL THINKING, also published by Scholastic, will be out in January of 2011!

I really hope you like them.

Here is my not-so-official official bio, the one that’s in the books I really hope you like:

“Alexandra Bullen has been a playwright, waitress, barista, gardener, script reader, yoga instructor and personal assistant. She grew up in Massachusetts, went to college in New York City, and lives most of the year on Martha’s Vineyard (except when she’s visiting San Francisco.) WISH is her first novel for young adults.”

Some other things about me:

I am half-Greek and my middle name is Krokidas.

(Pronunciation Guide: Kro-KEY-dus.)

You can call me Alex.

I have two younger brothers. They are both much bigger than me.

Not in a fat way.

They look great.

I also have two dogs and one boyfriend.

They live with me on an island called Martha’s Vineyard.

Even in the winter.



P.S. I love comments. Please leave them.

P.P.S. If you are a blogger/reviewer and you would like a review copy of WISH, please email the lovely Sheila Marie Everett: SEverett at Scholastic dot com.

“She took pictures because it was the only way she knew she existed. I was here. It was about anchoring herself in a moment when everything else seemed to be floating off in the distance.”
Alexandra Bullen
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“I never said I didn’t identify with Lily,” she went on, her voice clear and her own. “I think in some way she’s the heart of the book. And her transformation at the end, when she’s finally able to finish her painting, after she doesn’t have anything holding her back…it’s one of the most important scenes in the novel. It’s when she finally realises who she is.”Mr Whitley nodded vaguely, pacing the length of a square-paned window overlooking the courtyard below.“And what was it?” he asked deliberately. “What do you think was holding her back all that time?”Olivia looked down at her feet, feeling every pair of eyes in the class burning holes into the top of her head. Miles’s mushroom loafers were fidgeting under the chair beside her, and she felt him holding his breathe. Her heart was pounding, but this time it was different. Everybody in the room was waiting for her, and that was okay. This time she had things to say.“The past,” Olivia answered finally. “The past was holding her back.”
Alexandra Bullen
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“Whatever you wish for wish carefully, and make sure it comes from your heart. Those are the only wishes that count.”
Alexandra Bullen
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“Family's not family unless it's totally messing you up. I'm pretty sure that's the point”
Alexandra Bullen
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“Really?" Olivia managed. It's called conversation, she reminded herself, like a visitor from a foreign planet. Answer one question, ask another. "Where do you live?”
Alexandra Bullen
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