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Alexandra Monir

Alexandra Monir, Iranian-American author and recording artist, has published seven popular young adult novels to date, beginning with her internationally-bestselling debut, TIMELESS (a Barnes & Noble Bestseller and an “Best Book of the Month”). She published the hit sci-fi novel THE FINAL SIX with HarperCollins in 2018, with Sony Pictures optioning the film rights in a major pre-empt deal. A sequel, THE LIFE BELOW, followed in 2020 and the series has been published in numerous countries and languages.

Alexandra was recently selected to write the first-ever YA novel about DC Comics superhero Black Canary, joining global bestsellers Leigh Bardugo, Marie Lu, Sarah J. Maas and Matt de la Peña as the fifth author writing for the New York Times-bestselling DC Icons series, published by Penguin Random House. BLACK CANARY: BREAKING SILENCE was released on December 29th, 2020 to rave reviews from critics and comic book fans alike, and a new paperback edition arrives in December 2021. Alexandra was also selected by Disney to write a historical fantasy YA novel about Princess Jasmine, which will publish in Fall 2022 as the third book in The Queen's Council series.

Alexandra is additionally a screenwriter, recording artist and composer, with both screenplay and musical adaptations of her own work in development. Her musical roots run deep, as she is the granddaughter of the late Monir Vakili, Iran’s foremost opera singer. She is a frequent public speaker at book festivals and literary conferences, fan conventions and schools. Alexandra currently lives in Los Angeles with her husband, toddler son, and one fluffy Shih Tzu, where she is at work on her next novel.






“Are you sure?" he asked in a low voice. "Because if I had the chance... I would spend every moment of every day with you.”
Alexandra Monir
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“Count your blessings, not your worries.”
Alexandra Monir
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“I rememberThe way you used to hold me.I rememberThe thrill we used to share.We seem to beStrangers passing by now.Tell me, did you forget howWe once cared?”
Alexandra Monir
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“Philip's blue eyes sparkled as he and Kaya shared a joke. He broke into his signature smile, and for the first time, Michele found it heartbreaking. But then, isn't that always the case with a smile - when you know it's not meant for you?”
Alexandra Monir
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“I'm being sent back to my time, but - I love you, Philip. At any age, in any body, in any era... I love you.”
Alexandra Monir
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“Bad things happen to everyone, but when they do, you can't just fall apart and die. You have to fight back.”
Alexandra Monir
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“what if the person you're meant to be with lives in another time?”
Alexandra Monir
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“The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”
Alexandra Monir
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“I know I can make my mark on this world, and not because of my last name - but because of my own talent.”
Alexandra Monir
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“I want my life to have a purpose. Do you know what I mean?”
Alexandra Monir
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“It didn't matter to her whether she'd written anything brilliant. It just felt good to be able to write again.”
Alexandra Monir
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“Michele realized that what she took for granted as the simple necessities of life, he saw it as a story beyond imagination.”
Alexandra Monir
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“It had been two weeks since her first real boyfriend, Jason, had brokenup with her on the eve of the first day of school. His exact words had been “Babe, you know I think you’rethe best and all, but it’s my senior year and I can’t have the baggage of a relationship. I gotta live it up,play the field. You get it, right?” Uh, not exactly. So Michele had to begin her junior year with a brokenheart, which grew all the more painful last week, when word spread that Jason was hooking up with asophomore, Carly Marsh”
Alexandra Monir
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“Michele!” a voice sang out from across the hall. “Are you up? I made pancakes, come eat thembefore they get cold.”Michele’s eyes flickered open. Sleep or pancakes? That was a no-brainer. Her mouth was alreadybeginning to water at the thought of her mom’s specialty. She threw on a robe and fuzzy slippers andpadded through the modest house until she reached the cozy kitchen”
Alexandra Monir
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“I’m waiting for you,” he murmured, smiling a slow, familiar grin that seemed to hint at a secretbetween them.And for the first time, Michele and the mirror reflection were in sync as they both whispered, “Metoo.”
Alexandra Monir
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“I'll find a way back to you. No matter what. I promise.”
Alexandra Monir
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“Catch my eye,tell me what you seeWonder if they could guess it about meHere i'm standing in a double lifeOne with love,one with strifeTry to act normal,and play it coolSo afraid of breaking a ruleBut now i'm falling to hard to stopCan't help but take the next drop”
Alexandra Monir
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“Show me that you're real, and not just my own madness”
Alexandra Monir
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“Why must we spend so much of our lives missing people instead of being with them?”
Alexandra Monir
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“What was the point of loving when the people you loved were taken from you? When Death and Time were always looming and poised to strike, why did love exist?”
Alexandra Monir
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“She found herself missing him - this person who didn't even exist.”
Alexandra Monir
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“Sixteen long years of unbearable waiting. I can’t do it anymore. She was supposed to return—she always did—and now I see the cruelty in this helpless waiting, living at the mercy of Time. Dragging through the days, I ask myself why I bother when I know that the one place I can find her isn’t here on earth. That’s it—that’s enough of this—I’m done.”
Alexandra Monir
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“It's a wonderful feeling - you believing in me”
Alexandra Monir
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“As Michele looked around, she told herself that the next time she time traveled, she seriously had to remember to bring her digital camera.”
Alexandra Monir
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“I can't live in the normal world,I'm just chasing timeI belong in that endless whirlThe place where you're mine.”
Alexandra Monir
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“You are lyricist, me a composer - you and I make a complete song.”
Alexandra Monir
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“I've been numb for years, and I didn't realize it until after you appeared and - and made me feel something. Since then, these past two weeks I've been awake. Alive. Restless for you to return - and afraid that you wouldn't.”
Alexandra Monir
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“There is nothing in this life that can destroy you but yourself. Bad things happen to everyone, but when they do, you can't just fall apart and die. You have to fight back. If you don't, you're the one who loses in the end. But if you do keep going and fight back, you win.”
Alexandra Monir
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