French surgeon Alexis Carrel for his work on vascular ligature and grafting of blood vessels and organs won a Nobel Prize of 1912.
People awarded this biologist in physiology or medicine for pioneering suturing techniques. He invented the first perfusion pump with Charles Augustus Lindbergh to open the way to transplantation. Like many intellectuals, he promoted eugenics before World War II. He faced media attacks over his alleged involvement with the Nazis. The foundation for the study of human problems during Vichy implemented the eugenics policies; his association as a regent and with ultra-nationalist Parti Populaire Franςais of Jacques Doriot led to investigations of collaborating with the Nazis, but he died at the end of his life before people ably held any trial.
People also elected Alexis Carrel, a prominent laureate, in 1924 and 1927 as an honorary member of the academy of sciences of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.