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Alexis Steinhauer

I'm the author of the Dragonfate series, Dragon's Gold, Dragon's Flight, and Dragon's Oath; and also The Bone Harp, the first book in The Felling. The fourth (and hopefully, final) Dragonfate book, Dragon's Crown, is in progress at the moment.

I began and finished writing my first book, Dragon's Gold, during the month before my sixteenth birthday. I've never written anything so quickly or easily since then, but I'm learning to be a better writer every day.

I love cats, blue, dragons, heavy metal music, fresh lemons, hazy mornings, and anything that sparkles. I love writing, and I love reading, and I love my incredible family. This is who I am, and I'm pretty happy with it.

“For this, for you, my heart will burnIt whispers to me, what I speak now in turn:If the sun should hide, let it hide;If darkness drain the light, on moonbeams we ride.It matters not,For I am by your side.If the sky should fall, let it fall;If Death open his wings, ignore his dark call;Let the stars fade, let worlds collide;Let the seas boil, let chaos hold back the tide.It matters not,For you are by my side.”
Alexis Steinhauer
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“Now, I pray you, cast yourself into a different world, a different trail of thought; step into a place where dragons live and breathe, where they are as real in touch and voice as you or I. Where they face the same extinction every day that they have suffered in our world: the extinction of myth . . . yet where they battle every moment to fend off such a fate for another day . . .”
Alexis Steinhauer
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“Enough of this guilt," he told her, his voice reduced to a cracked whisper. "What's done is done.”
Alexis Steinhauer
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“It's just like any relationship," Raelin told him with a grin, while Aldri practiced over and over again. "You need to coax her, persuade her, impress her, not knock her over the head with a mallet. Sometimes, for complicated things, you even need to grovel a little—but I'll teach you that later, some of the syllables in Faerilíca can take weeks to learn correctly. For now, keep trying to catch her eye in silence.""But magic is only converted energy and emotion," Aldri reminded him. "I already possess it, I only need to use it.""And just how do you want to take ten minutes' running energy or your liking for the color blue, and throw it out in front of you as an arrow-stopping shield, hm?”
Alexis Steinhauer
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