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Alfred Lansing

An American journalist who wrote for Collier's, among other magazines and was later an editor for Time, Inc. Books.

Alfred Lansing served in the US Navy from 1940-46. He received the Purple Heart for his wartime service.

Later he attended North Park College, 1946-48, Northwestern University, 1948-50.

Lansing became a member of the Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge, England in 1957.

“it's been my experience that most writers don't talk about their craft--they just do it”
Alfred Lansing
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“I have a great many opinions about writing, but I'm afraid that all of them are unprintable”
Alfred Lansing
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“He promised to write a book later about the trip. He sold the rights to the motion pictures and still photographs that would be taken, and he agreed to give a long lecture series on his return. In all these arrangments, there was one basic assumption - that Shackleton would survive.”
Alfred Lansing
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“In that instant they felt an overwhelming sense of pride and accomplishment. Though they had failed dismally even to come close to the expedition's original objective, they knew now that somehow they had done much, much more than ever they set out to do.”
Alfred Lansing
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“No matter what the odds, a man does not pin his last hope for survival on something and then expect that it will fail.”
Alfred Lansing
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