Ali Shariati photo

Ali Shariati

Ali Shariati was an Iranian revolutionary and sociologist who focused on the sociology of religion. He is held as one of the most influential Iranian intellectuals of the 20th century and has been called the ideologue of the Iranian Revolution. He was born in 1933 in Kahak (a village in Mazinan), a suburb of Sabzevar, found in northeastern Iran, to a family of clerics.

Shariati developed fully novice approach to Shi'ism and interpreted the religion in a revolutionary manner. His interpretation of Shi'ism encouraged revolution in the world and promised salvation after death. Shariati referred to his brand of Shi'ism as "Red Shi'ism" which he contrasted with clerical-dominated, unrevolutionary "Black Shi'ism" or Safavid Shi'ism. Shariati's works were highly influenced by the Third Worldism that he encountered as a student in Paris — ideas that class war and revolution would bring about a just and classless society. He believed Shia should not merely await the return of the 12th Imam but should actively work to hasten his return by fighting for social justice, "even to the point of embracing martyrdom", saying "everyday is Ashoura, every place is Karbala." Shariati had a dynamic view about Islam: his ideology about Islam is closely related to Allama Iqbal's ideology as according to both intellectuals, change is the greatest law of nature and Islam.


دکتر شریعتی‌ در سا‌ل‌ ۱۳۱۲ در خا‌نواده‌ ای‌ مذهبی‌ چشم‌ به‌ جها‌ن‌ گشود پدر او استا‌د محمد تقی‌ شریعتی‌ مردی‌ پا‌ک‌ و پا‌رسا‌ و عا‌لم‌ به‌ علوم‌ .نقلی‌ و عقلی‌ و استا‌د دانشگا‌ه‌ مشهد بود علی‌ پس‌ از گذراندن‌ دوران‌ کودکی‌ وارد دبستا‌ن‌ شد و پس‌ از شش‌ سا‌ل‌ وارد دانشسرای‌ مقدما‌تی‌ در مشهد شد. علا‌وه‌ بر خواندن‌ دروس‌ دانشسرا در کلا‌سها‌ی‌ پدرش‌ به‌ کسب‌ علم‌ می‌ پرداخت‌. معلم‌ شهید پس‌ از پا‌یا‌ن‌ تحصیلا‌ت‌ در دانشسرا به‌ آموزگا‌ری‌ پرداخت‌ و کا‌ری‌ را شروع‌ کرد که‌ در تما‌می‌ دوران‌ زندگی‌ کوتا‌هش‌ سخت‌ به‌ آن‌ شوق‌ داشت‌ و با‌ ایما‌نی‌ خا‌لص‌ با‌ تما‌می‌ وجود آنرا دنبا‌ل‌ کرد.

در سا‌ل‌۱۳۵۲، رژیم‌، حسینیه‌ء ارشا‌د که‌ پا‌یگا‌ه‌ هدایت‌ و ارشا‌د مردم‌ بود را تعطیل‌ نمود، و معلم‌ مبا‌رز را بمدت ‌ ۱۸ما‌ه‌ روانه‌ زندان‌ میکند و درخ‌ خلوت‌ و تنها‌ ئی‌ است‌ که‌ علی‌ نگا‌هی‌ به‌ گذشته‌ خویش‌ می‌افکند و .استراتژی‌ مبا‌رزه‌ را با‌ر دیگر ورق‌ زده‌ و با‌ خدای‌ خویش‌ خلوت‌ میکند از این‌ به‌ بعد تا‌ سا‌ل‌ ۱۳۵۶ و هجرت‌ ، دکتر زندگی‌ سختی‌ را پشت‌ سرخ‌ گذاشت‌ . سا‌واک‌ نقشه‌ داشت‌ که‌ دکتر را به‌ هر صورت‌ ممکن‌ از پا‌ در آورد، ولی‌ شریعتی‌ که‌ از این‌ برنا‌مه‌ آگا‌ه‌ میشود ، آنرا لوث‌ میکند. در این‌ زما‌ن‌ استا‌د محمد تقی‌ شریعتی‌ را دستگیر و تحت‌ فشا‌ر و شکنجه‌ قرار داده‌ بودند تا‌ پسرش‌ را تکذیب‌ و محکوم‌ کند. اما‌ این‌ مسلما‌ن‌ راستین‌خ‌ سر با‌ز زد، دکتر شریعتی‌ در هما‌ن‌ روزها‌ و سا‌عا‌ت‌ خود را در اختیا‌ر آنها‌ میگذارد تا‌ اگر خواستند، وی‌ را از بین‌ ببرند و پدر را رها‌ کنند

سایت هواداران

انجمن دکتر شریعتی ــــــــــ فهرست مقالات ــــــــــ صفحه دکتر شریعتی

“(To The Youth) " know and everybody knows that life has failed to bring the light of hope to my eyes, draw a smile on my face, and create joy in my heart. You know and everybody knows that being tortured for you, being imprisoned for you and suffering for your sake has been the only joy I have ever had..... it is from your joy that I feel comfort, it is your freedom that brings the light of hope to my sight, it is your comfort that I feel relaxed in my heart.... I cannot speak well or write well... please note the hidden force under my simple lousy words.. please understand... please understand ! I love you and consider you my only friend; all my life, all the days and nights, every moment of my life is a witness to my love and dedication for you. Your freedom is my doctrine, your success is my affection, your future is my only hope! ”
Ali Shariati
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“The more man realises his humanity, the lonelier he feels.”
Ali Shariati
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“Remaining stable and not accepting all the ideas, is my religion.”
Ali Shariati
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“I prefer walking in the street and thinking about God to staying in the mosque and thinking about my shoes.”
Ali Shariati
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“Hey, I am thinking of it myself, in this part of world (East), we all do endeavors in praying and are sweating (white liquid) and this is our situation, frustrated , but on the other part of world (West) ,they are enjoying in party and drinking liquor (white liquid) but their situation is that, successful, I do not know that the problem relates to the type of liquid or the way of drinking!!”
Ali Shariati
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“I like Dancing of Indian girls more than my parents’ prayers . Because they dance with love and passion . But my parents just say their prayers because they got used to it .”
Ali Shariati
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“My father chose my name , and my last name was chosen by my ancestors . That’s enough, I myself choose my way”
Ali Shariati
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“For ruining a fact, do not attack it, defend it badly.”
Ali Shariati
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“In comparison with capitalism, which reconstituted man as an economic animal; in comparison with Marxism, which found man an object made up of organized matter; in comparison with catholicism, which saw him as the unwitting plaything of an imperious unseen power (the Divine Will); in comparison with dialectical materialism, which saw him as unwitting plaything of the deterministic evolution of the means of production- existentialism made man a god”
Ali Shariati
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“در دردها دوست را خبر نکردن خود یک نوع عشق ورزیدن است”
Ali Shariati
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“Oh My Lord! grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things that I can, and wisdom to know the difference. خداوندا به من آرامشی عطا کن که بپذیرم آنچه نمی‌توانم تغییر دهم و جراتی که تغییر دهم آنچه را که می‌توانم و علمی که تفاوت این دو را دریابم”
Ali Shariati
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